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Thread: Terraforming

  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    United Kingdom, North Yorkshire.


    Ok, so you know when we terraform. It automatically produces the ground below us without any consent of us knowing where it's going to be.
    Why not add a red circle were the ground you are terraforming will be produced. This will make things a lot easier, especially when we want to build a tribal village.

    Without knowing where the ground will be formed, it'd be extremely hard terraforming land for your tribe.

    Also on a note.
    Why not give us the option to drop logs in our own place. This would be beneficial if we want to store or possibly keep those logs.
    Or maybe produce a little bridge with them.


  2. #2


    The terraforming action always happens in the same direction for me, West or maybe more West SouthWest direction. No matter what direction I face.

    But yes, It would make for better terraforming if you could see a target area. After all, In real life, You know where your going to be digging or piling up dirt.

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    United Kingdom, North Yorkshire.


    Yeah, it also terraforms in the same direction for me. But it's annoying when you want to build something but find it extremely difficult.

  4. #4


    Currently it is difficult to terraform accurately because the location the result occurs in is offset by a metre. This was a side effect of the work being done on Terraforming during which the developers changed the ground from a 2x2 grid to a 1x1 grid the results of this can also be seen in the bumpy ground, which will be smoothed out soon.

    When Terraforming is once again working correctly it will be quite easy to tell where the effects will occur because they will occur on the 1mx1m grid tile your character is standing on.

    However in addition to this I spoke to Jooky in regards to highlighting the tile that will currently be affected when the terraforming action is completed. He also agrees that this would be a good addition and would add to the accuracy of Terraforming. As such we will most likely see such a feature in the future.


  5. #5


    Hold on now, You may need to have them re-think the "1mx1m grid tile your character is standing on.".

    Think about it, Some one wanting to be mean, or dumb, or what ever is in a tribe, and can terraform. They can stand in one place(on the same tile) and build up till they hit the max height or depth limit(it does have a limit, right?) if digginf a hole. Then jump of the top of it. If it's maxed out on height, There will be no way to tear it down if you have to stand on the same tile that you teraform.

    Make it where you teraform one tile in front of you. This way you can tear down a one tile hill or Fill in a one tile hole.

  6. #6


    Yes there will soon be a limit to the height and depth a player can terraform to based on the height of the surrounding tiles and the players skill.

    However you do bring up and interesting point about not being able to clear a terraformed peak, I will bring it up to Jooky next time I am speaking to him and see what his opinion of it is.

    EDIT: Hopefully soon the system will be changed to require dirt to terraform up which will be gained from terraforming down in another location, thus the player will have to move off their pile to get more dirt and thus will only be able to create a pile as high as they can get back on top of.


  7. #7


    After my quarry I dug last night, I discovered a lot about TFing. The map "zone" is set up in X,Y,Z right?, well Z plays no part other then it adjusted if you raise or lower ground level. The X,Y is where the target tile is located. Remember the lower left corner is 0.0 and upper right is 1028.1028. The tile that is affected when you TF is in the direction of 0.0 so it will always be the SouthWest tile of your current location. So what we can derive from this is...

    If you are facing true North the affected tile will be to your back left side, facing South would be upper right side, east = back right, and West = upper left.

    Pretty sure that's right... but yes the target on the ground would be a big help.

  8. #8


    Yeah, but remember the entire terraforming code is being redone so all that calculating wont count for much soon when it no longer offsets the results to the South West.

  9. #9


    edaw22 wrote:
    Yes there will soon be a limit to the height and depth a player can terraform to based on the height of the surrounding tiles and the players skill.

    However you do bring up and interesting point about not being able to clear a terraformed peak, I will bring it up to Jooky next time I am speaking to him and see what his opinion of it is.

    EDIT: Hopefully soon the system will be changed to require dirt to terraform up which will be gained from terraforming down in another location, thus the player will have to move off their pile to get more dirt and thus will only be able to create a pile as high as they can get back on top of.


    This will work, Thanks for the heads up.
    "require dirt to terraform up which will be gained from terraforming down in another location"

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