Quote Originally Posted by Revan View Post
Xyson game developers, your business model is disgusting.Subscription?That's funny.I only know of one game that successfully pulled that off, WoW.All the rest fail.A one-time fee with no limitations is the ideal business model WE, as gamers, love.Please take this into account, as your business model now is making you lose players.Only a handful will actually pay a subscription.
I would say that the current payment system is very normal. Free to play with limits, pay to play for the goodies.
One game that comes to mind is Star Wars TOR. Has the same system. As Willowhawk said there are many games out there doing this.

Quote Originally Posted by darkskil View Post
I do think the box price should be drop as well for entry players the subing part does drive away some players it has driven off many I know. I would like to see a cash shop for stat respects since I messed up mine when I just started and didn't know anything now I'm pretty much screwed for the rest of the game and maybe some name changes as well but I would hate to see the cash shop allow players to just buy everything to be the best. That's just me though
You get 4 stat resets, if you already used them, you can manually change any stats you want over time. I think a cash shop thing would do almost nothing for this game and its not really meant for that type of stuff. A cash shop would take longer to code than it would give in $ back. I would rather have them coding real features like ranged combat, contested hotzones, cooking, taming etc. Than working on a cash shop coding. Those things I listed would keep and bring way more people than a cash shop option.