Ability to "holster" weapons/tools.
We do have 6 spots dedicated for this. How about linking those to a key. So we can swap them around without opening characterscreen then drag and drop. Even if its the whole grp you swap out. (back,sides,legs)it be a nice.
Add a few spaces to characterscreen for crafting tools.(or craftable as a toolbelt) Those should auto fill recipes. if you have the correct tool. limtit the drag and drop a bit with that aswell as freeing up 4-5 slots in backpack.
As it is now nothing is beyond jumping. find a mountain jump up and voila. should be more restriction.maybe this is a setting atm donno.
Carrying a log its faster to jump then to try walking with it. drains more stamina i think.
strafing more of a bug really.
Currently that doesnt generate sound and you can walk on water while doing it. (might be something my end but thats how it shows to me.)