So you don't want toe to toe button mashing but this is what would come from your suggestion, as you agreed.

I don't agree this has to go backwards (I didn't think it was possible to go backwards, but I guess there is a way) to make it better in this case.
Just to be clear, I believe to make the combat better in this game, would simply be fix/add the things they have not removing one of the few things they have that is part of combat.

You can say all you wan't that it's a personal attack, doesn't make it true. I disagree with with your opinion on how to make it better, and if you say it's an opinion on being a good idea to change it because you used the word may, then I disagree with that opinion to change it in the ways you asked, as I already stated, and the reasons why.

The only thing close to a personal attack is the comment you made about fing off. Which you have changed, either any case I'm not upset. I'm simply expressing my opinions of how a horrible idea this would be, and that someone with as much exp as you say you would have could even suggest something like this is beyond me.