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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    DDT? is this another way to get rid of PVE players? then say " I told you PVE server would not work ". I see you want Xsyon to choke for lack of players, this way you'll succeed for sure.
    Have fun ruining this game.
    How is it a choke point? You start with a blade.
    They are not that hard to make, you can make them scav or hunting, you can also trade for them. Anyone using that many blades is likely hunting anyways.
    On top of this you likely can find them in dead tribes because people have extra. I see them on trade totems also for like 50dollars.
    I would say "What do you want everything handed to you?" but literally this is HANDED to you at the start of the game!!!

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    ddt with your skill system and your ideas you forced people to quit then you looted their tribes, now that you have so much stuff stacked you want to force people to trade with you and those who got stuff from looting tribes as well, guess what, I'd rather stop subscribing then be forced to trade like that.
    For Xsyon, if you think that I am wrong just wait when you launch your game on steam, I'll tell you what will happen, people who are new to this game might buy it then after they discover how this game work they will flame you and force you to return their money then you'll be forced to closing down your servers, this is what ddt is hoping for.
    Last edited by GuideXaphan; 12-20-2014 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Remove personal attacks

  3. #3
    First off, I don't loot tribes as they have nothing I want. Ask anyone that plays, I don't need to loot tribes and it's not even worth my time.

    Second off, why would I hope that Xsyon is forced to close?

    Please stop with the name calling, its not nice. We are having a civil discussion here and there is no need to resort to it. If you don't like my ideas that is fine say so. I don't like your ideas and I've said why.

    I happen to agree that if nothing is done with Xsyon and left in the current state there will be some that buy and most will buy then leave just like last time.
    The major reason is because my ideas are not put into place as I said before, you are upset about not able to have all the skills on 1 toon and you CAN have all the skills on 1 toon. I think this is a bad idea.
    There are other major things like lack of a working economy. People do not need dollars, there is no real use for them and they barely leave the game, just a very minor amount through totem for buffs few even know or care about.
    Next is the lack of driving forces in the game, things for people to achieve other than building a base that "looks cool" there should be useful things to do and grow stronger and get better.
    Another major thing lacking is the lack of encouragement and systems in place to group together and do things. There is no party system, no chat system for groups or anything like that. No systems that make people work better as a group than as a solo player etc etc. MMO's are about people working together for common goals but helping themselves have fun and do things along the way. Xsyon is missing the boat here.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
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    amish paradise PA
    First off I did not call you names.
    Do you really think that you can force me to group in to a big tribe and force me to pull stones all day or fish or pulling grass etc, etc, etc? guess what you can play with your self but I won't be your puppy nor anyone else's, sorry.
    I would rather play Xsyon as a single player then be someone else's toy.
    Last edited by znaiika; 12-18-2014 at 08:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Why would you have to pull stones or be my puppy?
    Why not be a top tier crafter, or high end resource gatherer (Supreme QL items) and sell them for things you want or need? Why must you do everything in the game on your own solo?

    Xsyon said long ago that he wanted a system where you could be great at a few things or a jack of all trades. I would like to see that system in place.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
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    amish paradise PA
    Same go's for crafting, I don't want to stay in one place crafting all day or gather resources all day, I want do what I feel like at the given time without any restrictions, and every day is a different, this is supposed to be a sandbox not your usual MMO with restrictions to class.

  7. #7
    You are not restricted to a class, and I'm not asking for that. You can do anything you want, just don't expect to be the best at it.
    You could even do everything avg and a few things great. With the way I want. I just don't want 1 person to do everything great. Why is that a problem?

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    I am too want flexible system but this system is way too long and too boring, plus all these chokes all the time.

  9. #9
    I'm with you on the boring and long, but wouldn't making it so you can know all the crafts just make it feel that much longer? When you know to have more HP you need all the skills to 100?

    Anyways, I think the boring part is due to how the crafting is, not because you would be limited to # of skills.

    I want to see group events, raids, zombies attacking, people trading, better trade system etc.

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    I would love to see revs have actually a good loot besides armor, and make their permanent home place all junk piles, anyone who want to disturb junk piles would have to deal with revs first, and revs would actually restore junk piles.

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