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  1. #71
    dprail, its way easier now to grind up "all" skills than it was in the time when DDT did. and its not possible to tell how much time it takes but its sill a lot. depends on how much time you spend to the game and for how long you can keep your mood to grind.

    you talk about a not well working loot system, so if you need to go to a scrapyard in real couz you.. dunno need a few wheel hub caps for your car, you will find then instandly? are there junkpiles around you which have mainly knifeblades on it? xD

    sure you find a lot of metal stuff, plastic, cloth and leather but there are items with a lower droprate. xsyon tried to keep most parts of the game realistic and thats simply why you dont grab every important items in no time.

    this thread is not a request for help where or how to get knifeblades, since there was plenty of replys how to get them, its just a trolling thread.
    there are ppl come and go since years, complaining and crying. this does not go fast, this must be changed now, its a bug! that other people play the game over years successful without issues to find the requirements for their craft, if not today, maybe tomorrow, seems to be no point for you. this game is not compareable to others, so play it if you like it and accept things how they are or just try to find something what satisfies you ( whats imo for ppl who always complain impossible anyway).

  2. #72
    Assume I spent 100% of my time each day grinding, with 100% mood-to-grind time. Assume you're starting a fresh character with fresh game knowledge and not being handed things by others. How many hours or days would you guess it takes?

    Do you think the real world has a well working loot system? I don't get the analogy... Anyways, in a real world scrapyard, I could look in a wide area around me, and only pick up the hub caps when I eventually spot them. In Xsyon, I have to blindly sample ever changing junk tiles until I randomly find the hub caps, and I probably have to trash many inventories full of items to ensure I still have room when I do find them.
    Knife blades might be pretty uncommon in junkyards in real life, but if you go to an abandonded store, or warehouse, or house, you could probably find some pretty easily. Why is there random sprawls of junk tiles in the Xsyon universe again?
    It can be a very frustrating system, and the hardcore vets of this crowd are likely way past those challenges to be able to empathize with players experiencing them.

    This game is planned to be released onto Steam's early access, which means that the game and forums will be FLOODED with complaints, requests, and questions, because that's what early access means. Judging by this thread from a 3 year vet, this community has some work to do on accommodating the newcomers.

  3. #73
    If your objective was ONLY skills? On the PVP server I could do them all in about 1 or 2 months. Using your 100% rule.
    Having said that, all the skills to max is not a good objective, and also stats are important and they take much longer.

    You ask how can a 3 year old vet not find these items? The fact is he isnt a 3 year old vet, he is a person that plays a minor amount of time in LONG swatches of time gaps and also wants everything handed to him on a silver platter. He CAN find the knife blades just he doesn't like how uncommon he gets them. Likely he is training up a skill like hunting which uses a lot of blades and is upset that he doesn't have 100 blades everyday.

    You have to remember there are a few things missing here. This guy likely is making everything himself. So instead of getting knives that last 2x longer than his crap ones he makes he uses them 2x faster. On on top of that, because his skill at finding them is low (again because he doesnt do these things well) and isnt focused on scavenging it takes him likely 10x longer to find the items he wants. You can ask a scavenger like me or Shamie or someone that have been doing it all the time how long it takes to get them and they can have 1 for you in mins.

    If you want to know about the lore of Xsyon I suggest reading it.

    I agree with you on the newcomers but not because of this "3 year old vet" because he isnt a 3 year old real vet and second is this person is not a good example of a normal player.

    New players have little advice and training system in game. I've been asking for a better one for a long time, we got a tutorial system but I do not think it does its job well at all.

    You are making my point at the end of your post a few posts up about what I'm talking about. Xsyon promotes people to do everything themselves and not work with others. This thought process needs to change, to change it the Devs need to promote it.
    Read up I talk about this issue. Content is about finding out what people want to do at different tiers. New players, mediocre players, and vets. Vets being the least important at steam release, but new players need to see long term objectives also.

  4. #74
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    DDT, I can only say this, Xsyon's end is near with the settings you want weather you want it or not, I don't think people who have to pay more then $15 for the full content will actually play.
    You have many accounts so for you your system is even better but for the rest it's not.
    If Xsyon want to spent his last chance to get the population back, he needs to understand the demand, other wise don't spend your last resources just change ownership, reset Xsyon world to new and make the game for the demanded crowd, then you can save your game.
    Last edited by znaiika; 12-19-2014 at 05:45 AM.

  5. #75
    You keep saying its at it's end with the settings I want, but it DOESN'T have those settings. It has the settings how YOU want.
    You can currently have ALL the skills. Why do you keep saying that the end is near and doing bad because of my settings when its YOUR settings that is currently on the server (PVE Only and ALL SKILLS).

    You also comment about me having many accounts, I don't think you understand that I have ALL the skills on 1 guy, I dont need more accounts. Those other accounts were for increased tribal area and the option to place totems in locations I wanted to use.
    Later on I did a test on how long it would take to level up a skill from 1 to 100, then I tested how long it would take to level up my stats from 90 to 110. I ended doing more tests with that toon because DDT had all the skills already.

  6. #76
    Xsyon Citizen
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    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    Xsyon have 70% of your setting already implemented, look where they got Xsyon, with low population.
    You want your settings because you have so many accounts and those accounts will be useless if Xsyon change setting so people would only need one account to play how they want.
    You keep on saying that one can do everything which is false info.
    Look at where you setting got you to, Xsyon should learn when people made exodus and fix those problems that caused exodus not creating new problems, it is important to change things before steam launch.
    Last edited by znaiika; 12-19-2014 at 06:15 AM.

  7. #77
    Ok so if I'm all about making my account worth something then why would I want to change the totem system to move away from being rewarded for all my extra account?

    You don't make sense man, just think for a min on what you are saying. Also not sure where you get the 70% from but if it's like everything else you say, its completely made up with little fact behind it.

    How is me saying anyone can do everything false? This is a fact, anyone can do EVERYTHING, not just anything but everything.
    Also if you think people made the exodus because of this issue not only would you be wrong because I don't think they left because of the skill system either way. It's because of many other issues like the first few weeks the servers were crashing and having 10+ hour roll backs.

    There will not be a lot of change before steam release. There isn't enough time.

  8. #78
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    Let me refresh your memory.

    ""Aside from the hectic launch period, there were 3 main updates that caused a heavy decrease in active game population.

    1) Totem and tribe decay with the advent of revenants.
    2) Skill and stat balancing update. ""Xsyon did not say was good for the Xsyon"".
    3) Opening the game to Free to Play.

    Personally I feel the two content updates improved Xsyon. Tribe decay is necessary and opening up the game to free players had to be tried in today's environment. Some players did return with these updates, but not enough to compensate for those that left. The PvE server launch did cause some players to leave, but those that returned more than compensated for the loss.""

    And those that returned would actually quit is they didn't already, on top of that new players from steam would not only quit but they will flame Xsyon and ask for refund as well, I don't think this will turn-out well for Xsyon.
    Last edited by znaiika; 12-19-2014 at 06:43 AM.

  9. #79
    Xsyon says a lot of things. Like animal growth is currently working, or breeding.

    You can refresh my memory or not, but I see the facts. Log on the server, and you tell me if there are more people playing now than before the PVE server. Ask anyone and they will ALL tell you NO.

    Skill and stat balancing was needed and had nothing to do with your system of everyone can do everything or not. What it did was put in a decay system. Not limit the number of skills. Again a system I do NOT and did NOT want.

    Totem decay and revs is likely the best update I've seen. It was needed and Revs are one of the coolest things in the game. If anyone says that was bad for the game then I would love to know the reasons why. I think Xsyon is viewing some of the data like many things wrong.
    You can believe what you want, but the fact is players can do EVERYONE with 1 toon, this is a fact not an opinion.

  10. #80
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    people don't play because of your skill system and your choke points.
    I am too agree on decay and revs, but basket decay on public land need to be adjusted too before steam.
    Last edited by znaiika; 12-19-2014 at 07:59 AM.

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