Quote Originally Posted by romka2x View Post
Tribe leader should be exactly what it says - a leader. Not some solo guy who is going to log in to save the ghost belongings. Focus should be on keeping community alive, not clinging to 3-year old architecture. A leader that is active and helps new people and works on constantly building tribe size and xsyon community in general, will never have this problem - it's the one that doesn't do it that will. Do what a leader does - rally people around you. Not do - not get. Simple as that. One member quits - get another one or suffer the loss of land. 810 days. Fair.

Which kind of leader are you?
Coran the problem is that even active leaders will find it hard keeping 80+ members active in their tribe when the game as a whole barely has that many people playing.
You are new here, so understand that some of us have been working on their tribe area for 5 years. With some breaks in there of play but mostly active daily or at least 3+ times a week. You can see which tribes these are, however, there are some tribes that never log in and play anymore that do fall under abuse (in my opinion) of the system. I do it now even. I log in for 5mins every 30 days or less and keep my tribe from decaying in hope the game gets better. These tribes like mine is now should be punished for doing this, active tribes should be rewarded.
A system based on the # of paid accounts is not a good idea, and never has been. I've been saying this for a long time.