Dear Xsyonians!

It's been quite some time since we've had a tribal competition here in Xsyon, and with the recent release of Xsyon to steam we're seeing more new faces and tribes than we have in a while! So with that we would like to ask you tribe leaders out there just how many of you would be willing to help us, the guide team, by building a pair of Capture the Flag forts on the PvP server? Now I know most of you play on the PvE server, but thats ok! Because your entry fees can be paid from either server, and the winner of the contest can claim thier prize on which ever server they want! So that means that those of you who play full time on PvE can revisit your PvP server tribes, tear them down and make some awesome forts for future Capture the Flag events, which if all goes well will have the same entry/prize server distribution!

So with that let us know what you think, if we get enough interest then we'll move forward with setting up the contest next week, and don't worry we'll give you ample time and a set of guidelines to help you with your creations!

Guide Israfel,