The terraforming panel shows my ground surface to be 334.00, when I place a ghost and then open it's movement panel the height also shows as 334.00, but when I move the ghost up (or down) one unit (0.1 to 1.0) it still shows as 334.00.

An example is I have a frame and want to put a floor on top of it, I set the movement to 1.0 and click the up button once, the floor has now moved up 1 meter but still shows the height as 334.00 instead of 335.00. Click the up button again and it now shows 335.00, click it another two times and I can visually see the floor is at the right height, but the height is showing as 337.00, it's not until I move the floor NSEW on the horizontal that the height catches up and shows 338.00.