Any of you that know me, know that building is my main passion in xsyon.

Up to now the thing that has been most limiting on my creativity is the need to resort to tricks like drop building and the need to pile up huge mounds of dirt to make anything cool. All of these issue disappear with the new system!

I have been working with it and have to say that I really believe this is one of the best steps Jordi has taken in his working to improve the game play. The system makes it very easy to build complex and creative structures.

What this new system does is actually free up the builder to dram and layout much more complex and creative structures than has ever been possible before. It will also allow for much "cleaner" looking buildings, better use of the parts already available and will lead to using basic parts in much more creative ways then ever before.

I firmly disagree with those saying it will limit a builders creativity. Those that are making those comments admit they are not passionate about building, I as one of those that IS passionate about build, look forward to these changes with great excitement.

However, I know some will disagree, but I think this is going to lead to MORE people joining the game and MORE enjoying the game than now, and won't lead to people quitting.