the event started at finally 23:30 (11:30pm) my time. european players usual are not "often" considered in "most" of the events. the event was anounced for 21:00 (9pm) which was not to bad, and honestly a waiting time for preparing is not really a big deal. well this time it was kinda long but the event ran and its ok so far. just the time zone issue again..

but still a few things which was not very well considered.
its nice to have a forum post which explains the event, but nonsense if the mesh cache ( whatever it calls ) bug exists, a few players crashed by checking the forum, mainly new players.
after this the guide who ran the event asked for questions, a new player wont know what he have to ask for, but will miss a lot of neccesairy informations. as the guy who didnt even know where the zones are.
a whole bunchof player was waiting for the start 2,5h and even searching for a few hours. didnt find anything.. no price for the loosers, makes sense but doesnt fit to the events which was running in the past. people who spend so much time and didnt get anything out of it ( let it be a coloured short or whatever ) will prolly loose the mood to join events. especially the very new players who had low action skills, no orientation and a hard time to survive this event.

2 things for the next events of this kind:
1. a survival event is great but not everyone can make a skewer, find a flint, hunt or fish ( even have the required tools/weapons ) inbetween, or carry a lot of food from the homestead. that was a lack of explaination for me, to make sure everyone have the requirements to stay outside for that long.
2. finding a cart in the past already took a long time, well mihr/sophia was great in hiding them. bins are way more a pain in the *** and maybe carts are a good solution to keep the time of the event balanced ( yes i see the effort a guide spend for this events which is even more time )

@DDT, if there wont be unique price nobody will join. thats a doom loop imo. i gave my rewards away couz there was nothing to exchange i was looking for. as i already suggested, a reward system based on " event points" which gives you a few days / a week free playtime in exchange would help way more. you start with a few basic tools playing this game and thats how everyone make his way up. i dont complain about a event suite like santa/elv stuff which have no effect on combat couz of quality/kind/no full armor set. but beside such, no items should ever had be spawned. a player loose a 5 slot cart? he get a 20sl for the trouble. a player have logs in the underground? 100q gets replaced. but there is already to much of all this stuff to make a change.