Overall...2 thumbs down.

Waited so long for it to start I was tired of looking at my screen by the time it went off. Way way to late, please plan better in the future. ( I know you apologized but)
I some how was under the impression we HAD to start at founders. Took an hour to get me and my cart back to where I was to start looking, please put better clearer directions on events in the forums next time.
Maybe also a better list of what's in the bins. I was under the impression, again, that there was a unique item in each bin. I do not need another chief tent or fishing pole or an axe and did not need to wait around for hours to try and find something like that.

I assumed a lot I guess and was wrong a lot. On that note I feel yesterdays event was a waist of a day. By the time it got started I had to leave for a real life engagement. And then today to find out the only things in bins (that i was told) is the same old stuff you find in almost every raid, phhfftt.

2 Thumbs down.