Hi! I'm a bit new here and I am planning on buying the game. But I want to know the opinions of everyone else who is playing it. What do any of you think of the game?
Hi! I'm a bit new here and I am planning on buying the game. But I want to know the opinions of everyone else who is playing it. What do any of you think of the game?
Unless something drastically bad happens, Xsyon seems like it will be a solid sandbox game.
It's too early to say with any authority, but in it's currently limited form, it looks good.
Great potential for a lot of reasons but without many of the features in game it is hard to make a firm judgment.
Still, I am here and I am not leaving unless the Hopi's kidnap me for their one of their strange rituals!hmy:
It has a great foundation, reading over the select posts it seems the Dev team is working well together which is always a good sign. The few dev talks is always good to see with a new update from them.
Jooky has a laid back sense of humour, my siggie is evidence of that. He is grounded in his believes and I am sure he is dedicated to this game.
With small based games such as Xsyon, it is important to see this grounded mechanism. Other games that have 'upheaval' whenever the developer chooses is going to alienate the player base.
One good example is ATitD. During one of the early tales it was suggested the game needed a Guild system. It was created for the next telling, with one of its abilities that was at first reported many times by players as a bug quickly became one of the features of the Guild Hall. It can store unlimited boards and bricks and on top of this, was the feature from a bug, that allowed the Guild Hall to be moved within the system.
In Tale four (around four years after the creation of the guild hall) yet another person exploited the abilities of the Guild Hall. A person was promoted to Elder, and once other Elders logged out the new Elder moved the Guild Hall to a remote part of Egypt, and removed everyone from the guild hall.
In the past when this happened the lead developer would say, "Be careful of who you promote to elder, in the mean time build another guild hall to replace the lost one." It happened often in the game and became the standard response from both GMs and Devs.
This time however it happened to someone who was close to the Dev, and all of a sudden these rules changed on his whim, suddenly he created a 'live patch' (as in changes to the game don't see it going offline to apply it) and Guild Halls where now no longer allowed to be moved, other than the standard 'once on build' positioning tool that most buildings have.
A feature of the game in my view (four years it becomes a feature of the game), should not be changed because a friend was inconvenienced and you want to keep this friend around.
Well I gave my two cents with a little rant, I'm good for another week :P
Oakstead wrote:
It may happen...but if it does, you will enjoy itStill, I am here and I am not leaving unless the Hopi's kidnap me for their one of their strange rituals!hmy:
Thanks kiwi, this was a very interesting read, I played Atitd in the fourth tale (never before), and I didn't know why the guild hall has changed like that out of the blue
prokop15 wrote:
Which is why were debugging right now with most of the other stuff turned off :blink:Unless something drastic happens, Xsyon seems like it will be a sub-par sandbox game.
It's too early to say with any authority, but in it's currently limited form, all I can say is that the foundations have flaws.
prokop15 wrote:
LOL yes I am underwhelmed by the changes myself, we'll see if things can be made more stable soon, can't even stay in game long enough to gather grass currently, and takes 10-15 minutes to get back in when booted off.Unless something drastic happens, Xsyon seems like it will be a sub-par sandbox game.
It's too early to say with any authority, but in it's currently limited form, all I can say is that the foundations have flaws.
I currently seem to be permanently online on the server. *sigh*
prokop15 wrote:
I want to kill you in Counter Strike: Source, do you have it...?Unless something drastic happens, Xsyon seems like it will be a sub-par sandbox game.
It's too early to say with any authority, but in it's currently limited form, all I can say is that the foundations have flaws.
You haven't seen any foundations?
Well thanks guys on your opinions!