I have never played any MMO (until now) where everyone was so hesitant to say where things are. Just because a boss in some game drops an item does not mean that telling me that boss drops that item or which cave that boss is in is giving the game away. I still have have to kill that boss and hope to get that .05% drop. Scavenging is the same way. I might know a place a bit better for one thing but it still has a .05% drop rate. I still have to spend hours to MAYBE find it.

This all would have not been a lesson in futility of you guys just said form the start that there is no loot tables. And all loot moves around from time to time. BUT NO! They wanted to brag about there "list" and how they are not sharing it.
So either there is a list and a few vets are lying about it or there is no list and no need for this entire thread.