Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
Scavenge piles are not really a factor of what you find, they just increase chance of success. The area determines what you find.
You will see the name of the area, and they have a list of items that can be found in that area.
Scavenge piles are like 8x more likely of success from my records, than on a grass tile.

Foraging is not like this, foraging has a different style of table system.

Higher level recipes are not based on skill or danger levels however, the color of items tiers are like purple vs white items.

Many items are found in many areas, some are in almost all areas, while others are only in a couple areas. Remember AREAS not zones.
Ok I'm confused. You mean there is a list of items that can be found in specific areas of the map? If I understood you correctly, where can we find that list?