Thats pretty rude, you ask for explaination and get a decent answer from a expierenced player, instead of any thanks you just start to offend. its a curse to be successful in a game, and people who didnt reach the same point (yet) are jelous, and act with a really weird behavour. DDT is the one i learned a lot from, and he maybe do not have the same knowledge than the dev, at least about mechanics and calculations, but DDT is the person who tested every single shit with hundrets, maybe thousands of actions to understand the game well. and he knows stuff the dev do not know, since he is not playing the game. and as new players can't know he supported the game a lot to make it what it is now, like many vet players did.

you dont like ddt couz you cant pay his prices. ppl dont like me couz i destroy their prices. there is no way to make it right. well, you have your point and nothing i can say will change it. but there is one point you are not right, a whole bunch of player would appreciate to see ddt back, couz there is way more he does than asking for a high amount of dollars in trade of some blueprints, in this game.

Quote Originally Posted by Dorsie View Post
mr ddt , not playing anymore ? but still around and trolling , can't find yourself a bridge ?
isnt it trolling to hide behind a forum name as well S/Y?