seriously the game[U] had[/U] a way worse performence in the[U] past[/U], i remember a logintime of about 20-30mins "everytime" i logged in and i heard it was way more in the [U]beginning[/U]. you can argue that this things has been fixed and work better now, but its a opinion of ppl who tried xsyon [U]at a time when it had more issues[/U], and their memories are (prolly) correct when they tell about the game.

Opinion of the time now outdated thank you for agreeing with me lol. IF it does crash in fullscreen which i wouldnt know ive never played it like that then dont play it in fullscreen its that simple i mean come on bud you trying to help the cause or kill it? Adjusting settings to make a game play right is a common thing not at all singular to Xsyon. PS never said you had misinformation was referring to posts on forums from people talking about how the game was 4 years ago as i said.