Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
3) Location does not matter, it happend to me in a spot where i usual gather grass and never had this issue. it was not possible to gather grass anywhere. a relog solved it.
Did this happen only one time? It sounds like you were timed out or partially timed out and disconnected from the server.

Has anyone else experienced this recently?

Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
4) You can reproduce it with a scrapper hangar roof 4x4, it will always happen with this roof, after you dismantle it.
Are there any other parts that this happens to? I see the problem with the scrapper hangar roof 4x4 and will patch a fixed scheme to the Test Server today.

Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
5) Do you gain swimming skill but the use count doesn't update?
correct, it does not update while you swim, thats all. i can cross the lake from N to S without a stop, even sprint all the way down, and it wont add any use in my skill window. as soon as i hit land or i change the locks while swimming, i'll gain like 15 uses at once.
Could you check this on the Test Server? I've tested this by swimming across the lake and both the skill and use count updated correctly while swimming.

Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
7) Zone 978 X676,5 Z 547,5 H500.0. Thats the coords of a Scrapper Smoke House, which holds a bin Labled "Weaponcraft" there you can see the items i was reporting. diffrent kinds of leather have more than 1 stack and i can not put them together.
Ok. I will check this.

Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
9) This has been solved on testserver before we had the big crash, i remember you used the testserver to fix the datas of the lifeserver again, if you lost the bugsmashing backup this way i'll log to check this again.
Ok. I won't be able to load old data just yet. When I can I will let you know.

Quote Originally Posted by Pwnuts View Post
EDIT: I just figured that containes crafted by player still have "no" defaul locks and can be opend by everyone, even on tribal land. not sure if that was already fixed but maybe you can take a look at it since you get rid of all the bugs atm.
This should be correct on the Test Server today. Please check and confirm if you can.
