As I continue to tidy up my camp, I notice I have logs missing. Has someone been here and taken some logs? It is fine if they did as I do not tend to use them right away and for now they are in the way. However they took a few from each stack instead of just one stack. I like everything nice and neat so I proceed to remove logs from one stack and put them on another when I notice that no one took these logs, they sank into the ground. Appears the ground outside the camp area is very soggy and the weight of the stacks caused them to simply sink into the ground. So I spent a good portion of the day moving logs around dreading my decision to cut all these trees down in the first place.

Whenever the wild life chases me from my camp, I go out into the grass field and collect grass. I make thread out of the grass, string from the thread and twine from the string. Once I collected enough twine I begin making thatch which I am using on to make a floor for my camp. I started and the highest point in the camp and then will insert layers underneath the layers I make. Not sure how it will all work out in the end but the practice is good as I'll learn and increase my skills as I go.

I have also begun making baskets to store items I find and make. This has helped make the wagons more useful. Eventually I hope to have tents and buildings to help store everything just like the fort across the river.

Speaking of, I managed a couple of attacks on the fort and managed to remove a section of wall. Was almost done with removing a second section when the dead notice me and gave chase. I escaped and once I lost them, they all returned back to their fort. I was hoping to lure them out into the woods behind the fort but they always return. I call them “the dead” but they are anything but. They wear armor and use weapons if they find them. They guard their camps just like any military unit would. In fact they do a better job at it as their patrol routes are very random and erratic. They seem to like the water and appear to drink and bathe in it. I have tried attacking a few who appear weak but without success. I tried a sprint and slash approach but they always managed to get a hit in on each of my passes. I tried running backwards and swing when they came in reach but they hit me more then I was hitting them. I am not strong enough or I would just stand toe to toe with them. I did manage to run up on one from behind but missed hitting them. So they are a bit vulnerable from behind it appears. I want to continue attacking them and see it they heal over time. If I can attack and wound them, retreat, heal and return for the kill I might have a chance. However if they heal just as well as a normal human can, then I will just have to train, build better weapons and make better armor which will be needed anyway if I am ever to take on one of these Plateback Bears.