Logs, logs everywhere. Why have I done this? I should have just picked a clearing and planted trees around me. Now I have this huge mess. I could abandoned it but that is just taking the easy way out. No, I made this mess and I need to deal with it.

However these bears and deer are beginning to annoy me. How will I ever learn to kill them? There are no chickens here to practice on. I feel the need to go hunting but that will require a long and dangerous journey to and back again. Against my better judgment, I set out.

Along the way I come upon that camp with tents and wagons. I had forgotten about it. The temptation to just move my camp here but these aren't my walls. These aren't my tents. I could use them for a while but eventually they would need to be rebuilt. The wagons however are even more of a temptation. They are small and I know I will eventually replace them with bigger ones. However I have nothing and these are something. So I break down and make 2 trips equipping my camp with 2 small wagons.

The look of the 2 wagons sitting there in my camp does me some good. I am happy once again but still have that need to hunt. So off I go again. I find my chickens and so much more.