Hi Everyone!,

I have been playing this game for over a month now and I am enjoying the game quite a bit. I think it's because we have a nice community in general and that I have found a good tribe.

Anyway I have been reading a lot of the discussion in steam. I am aware of the post made by the dev with regards to removing sub etc. However an idea would be (to reward loyal playerbase) is to have benefits for players who have subscription.

Benefits for subscribing could include:

- Better gains in XP or skill/stat up. It doesn't have to be like double. It can be an extra 50%.
- Skill and stat decay is much slower
- Access to all skills
- Bigger tribe/homestead land say 25-50% more
- Better regeneration rates for Health and Energy whilst resting
- Slower decay of thirst and hunger meter
- Slightly higher stat cap and/or stat lock mechanism

So for free to play players they get NONE of the above but have access to:

- Skills up to 100
- Homestead land/Tribe land but reduced size relative to subscribers
- Most skills except "premium" skill such wainwright or any other future skills i.e. bows/bowcraft.
- Carts but max 5-10 slots only
- Remove green bar maybe? (if you make the green bar only for subscribers) so they have to grind the skills

The idea is not to limit the f2p gameplay so much (limiting skill to 30 points is quite limiting tbh) and allow them more freedom. The choice is theirs should they want to sub or not to get the benefits. Also it makes it not pay2win so much as everything is achievable but would require a lot more grinding as f2p.

Although going f2p would increase population numbers, the community might suffer and get unwanted type of players in game. Entirely it's upto the Dev. Also the cash shop idea for items i.e. cosmetics would be a rubbish idea as it would require more work for the Dev to do etc.

Don't get me wrong though guys. I prefer subscribing but I thought I would give a suggestion for the Dev to reward loyal players for subscribing should they wish to go Free to Play Route.

Also feel free to chime in your thoughts.

