i barely die anytime unless i deathport, so usual i sould be fine with any of them. but honestly most of the current suggest stuff is nonsense, at least for the way i face and play the game.

1. remove 10% of the dura on equipped items may be fine for ppl who fight in a grass suit. but those who make and wear decend armors can not get back the materials while the armors duro goes down with the current system. supreme plastic sole, buckle, zipper, decoration, cloth or whatevery in violet with 100q is taking weeks to find, even if you sort scrap it wouldnt be really fast. 100p mutant critters are almost not there, if you want to make a leather suit you need at least 10 of them + getting a decend quality to make sure you get 100q out of the hides to make only one set of armor.

- provide materials, fix critters and renew scavtables. thats what you are talking about since month. you always say you working on it right now but i only see new stuff is coming. fix what we have currently and after that implement new stuff which cause new problems.

2. item loss will avoid what was always a goal - trading between players.

3. cash loss might be fine for those who have a lot of cash, but not for new players.

4. debuffs. that would be someting i for sure can agree with. even if stat/skill loss can cause other problems imo. lower skills means you can raise your skills faster in this time couz you do not have to deal with softcaps. sure this could be fixed somehow but i wanted to mention it, if you seriously want to implement this.

Suggestions: 1st of all we would need a system to seperate kinds of death. combat (pvm), starving/die of thirst, pvp, falldmg.

i would suggest the screen of a player turns red ( or any prefered colour ) if he loose hp couz of food water - similar to the mist effect. a alart system which warn you if you didnt notice your bars. and every player died couz of that already, they are simply to small or covered by other stuff.

how about this. when a player die he become a ghost. lets push the ghost duration up to 15-30 minutes, add buttons instead of "spawn" which we have now. a player can choose to instandly respawn by dealing with one of the penealtys which are in the mainpost? if not he simply have to wait the time you set.

Quote Originally Posted by Alude View Post
I prefer you loosing all skills, itme and you have to start complete new(creat new toon and so on). If it should be a survival game, tell me in which real world what we know we can save anythink to take over in a new life ?
I think this will push the people think about how I play and what I doin´g in the game if I go hunting alone or in a team, and what I hunt or where I jump down and so on. I alsow don´t want that some boost (drink or plant) will be add in the game I think it will be more interesting to add a skill like doctor or medicine.
[IRONIC=Pean;666]great idea, + we should start working on a singleplayer client to download. server wont be needed anymore [/IRONIC]