I myself do not like the money or item loss, especially for new players.

Armor, weapon and tools equipped experiencing duration loss makes more sense to me. Some of the cheaper items could be tagged as BOD "Break on Death" if equipped during death. I myself do not mind losing any items in this game because it can all be remade if needed including carts. So I do not feel a repair system is needed.

A lot of players that put this game down complain that there is no one on. So forcing them to depend on other players when their aren't enough players now to make people happy would only make matters worse in my opinion.

To encourage players to make their own baskets and pouches, baskets and pouches not owned by player would drop with items in it where death occurs unless the death was caused by another player or on any tribe land. Items would not be allowed to be added to baskets and pouches that reach their duration limits. Once all items are removed from baskets and pouches that have reached their duration limits would be removed from the game.

XP loss or temp XP freeze is fine.