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  1. #1
    I'm answering as a former player of Xsyon, but will comment each of the suggestions you listed.

    - Item duration loss.

    No, I don't like that idea at all. Duration should be decreased over time and by use (corrosion, hits, wear and tear etc), NOT by dying. The repair option is nice but should only be possible by using a craft skill. Money sink? You might as well introduce NPC's with shops...

    - Cash loss.

    Loosing cash by dying? Loosing cash you wouldn't even bring on a raid/exploration? No, and only if you were stupid to bring it along and were robbed (after your death)...

    - Item loss.

    Could be fun especially if it emulated the fact that your body was stripped clean by revs in the neighbourhood. Of course you should respawn naked.

    - XP loss..

    Don't like it very much and hardly of any use.

    - Temporary stat or skill loss. .

    Even if dying and rising again doesn't make any sense except in game or a good book, this idea is half ok with me. Ghost running to a corpse might be one hell of a thing to do in Xsyon though, especially when the land is expanded.

    In general it is, like Pean already mentioned, very important that you differentiate between different kinds of deaths. It doesn't make any sense with a death penalty that reduces duration if you died from thirst.

    I don't like insurance systems at all. Who would offer the insurance?

    I would prefer a system where you are debuffed when you respawn. Everything you wore when dying are still in a corpse where you died. To get everything back you have to re-claim it by walking there and loot it. If not it can be looted at any time by anyone. After a certain time the corpse dissolves with everything on it.

    Duration should, as I suggested above, decrease over time and by use anyway.

  2. #2
    Of the options listed, I am most in favor of Item Duration loss.

    However, ONLY if there is a repair function added to the game.

    The concerns I can see even with this is...
    Let's say you have a very fine weapon, and the very best armor you can get.
    The repair function needs to be able to restore the items you have back to 100% of what they were when you died.
    This will prevent complaints for the most part, and will be a way to promote further interactions between players,
    if the repairs require things that only players can provide.

    For instance, for a master washoe chest piece, master level parts you can buy off other players. Even new players can
    take part in this by supplying armor or weapon parts, that can be used to repair gear with.

    This will allow you to introduce death penalties, encourage player interaction, and provide a small money sink.

    Second, Item loss as you describe it could be good too. Adding backpacks where revs can store multiple items they have looted off players will make it fun to hunt rev. Also this can encourage players to band together rather than just play solo, because som of these revs will become quite powerful, and the player may need assistance to get his items back.

  3. #3
    I myself do not like the money or item loss, especially for new players.

    Armor, weapon and tools equipped experiencing duration loss makes more sense to me. Some of the cheaper items could be tagged as BOD "Break on Death" if equipped during death. I myself do not mind losing any items in this game because it can all be remade if needed including carts. So I do not feel a repair system is needed.

    A lot of players that put this game down complain that there is no one on. So forcing them to depend on other players when their aren't enough players now to make people happy would only make matters worse in my opinion.

    To encourage players to make their own baskets and pouches, baskets and pouches not owned by player would drop with items in it where death occurs unless the death was caused by another player or on any tribe land. Items would not be allowed to be added to baskets and pouches that reach their duration limits. Once all items are removed from baskets and pouches that have reached their duration limits would be removed from the game.

    XP loss or temp XP freeze is fine.

  4. #4
    Id say keep dollars as an optional currency it makes it more fun that way.
    Exp loss sucks plain and simple. Im a cautious player so it deters me from going out on adventures and exploring. I think the best would be permanant stat losses until you get to an infirmary to fix up and item durability loss that is repaired using scrap metal or other materials and not money. Crafters could make repair kits which they could charge cash for or other materials => boosting player driven solutions and making the game feel more interactive. Those repair kits could get better and even provide some durability immunity for a duration giving another niche role in the intricate crafting system.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    I like the idea of item duration loss, with added repair functions. As you stated this would help boost the economy requiring both new items and someone skilled in repair to fix my item for me.

    Additionally I really like the temporary stat/skill loss but I don't think it's enough on its own. I'd like to see both of these implemented. The only problem with this option I see is gankers on PVP as this would make it even easier for them to kill me again and again, assuming they can find me.
    Last edited by aulus; 11-04-2018 at 08:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    How about no death-porting option, if you die you resurrect at the spot where you died not at your own totem, and you could add another option to resurrect at founders island, also you auto-drop all your pouches and basket at the spot you died.
    Last edited by znaiika; 07-02-2015 at 02:24 PM.

  8. #8
    - Item duration loss.

    Very much AGAINST item duration loss at a 10% per death ratio for reasons pwnuts stated above. But, the item loss as detailed by DDT (100/100 and assuming 10% uses up 1 permanent dura) would not be such a burden to players and benefit in the other listed areas. Also, very much FOR a repair system to accompany this feature.

    - Cash loss.

    I like the idea of adding pouches and cash to revs but am AGAINST any type of cash loss that is not VERY minimal.

    - Item loss.

    Totally AGAINST item loss.

    - XP loss.

    Totally AGAINST xp loss.

    - Temporary stat or skill loss.

    No problem with temporary stat or skill loss within reason and a cash/ resource sink to remove the temp loss would be welcomed as well.

    --Likewise, I don't have a problem with death porting. If you put in some kind of loss system it will be minimized but as it has always been allowable I see no overwhelming reason to completely do away with it.

  9. #9
    The trick here is to make the penalties severe enough that players will notice them, but not so bad that players will seldom leave low danger areas.

    Giving items to a rev sounds like fun, but would be a nightmare in practice. Currently, if you die to a rev, you can recover your stuff because you know that rev will be in a small area. If your items are given to a random rev but you die to bear, you will have no clue where that rev will be. Some areas have next to no revs (any area I regularly travel through) while others have lag causing mobs of 30+ revs. The rev in question may spend all her time in a willow thicket at the bottom of an unclimbable slope.

    Cash loss would be trivial for established players, but could devastate new players. And a new money system would be needed.

    A temporary "rez sickness" stat loss could work on Peace, but would be an extra penalty in PvP. It might also be too easily out waited. A 5 to 15 minute penalty might sound bad, but if I take the "green mist train" back home after a hunting/scavenging trip it can take that long to put stuff up. This sort of penalty would dovetail well if an improved infirmary could remove it for a price.

    An alternative to stat loss would be a temporary encumbrance, speed, energy or health debuff.

    I think the best solution would be to remove 10% durability on one equipped item. This would help the economy for replacement armor/weapons, but not be too onerous. Decreasing durability by 10% for all items would mean a new suit of armor every 9 or so deaths. That way players would seldom wear their best stuff and would lower the value of top end gear.

    Skill loss would be bad. A block on the green experience bar that would have to be worked off or would disappear over time (like Ryzom) could work. This would hurt newer players more though.

    Any repair system would destroy the economy for gear and introduce a needless complication.

  10. #10
    What does the old rez system have to do with able to death port across the map or not with full items?

    Next is the fact you are talking about issues with PVP and no one plays PVP. The game is not made for PVP, it will unlikely never be PVP focused. Why worry about PVP issues when thinking up ideas for rezing?

    I'm talking about the silly system in place where you go to do a trade and you get massive amounts of items / weight then turn around and say "ok kill me home" and poof you are home with massive amount of items and weight.

    Deathporting has hurt economy of Xsyon since day 1.

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