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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I'm doing 2 things.
    yup, Stroking your ego and indignantly repeating your opinions over and over in the hopes that they will be the only ones heard.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Giving an opinion on what I think needs to be done and when.
    Which you do repeatedly, making the same point again and again, which is redundant and comical.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Also showing that if you do 1 thing you will likely need to do another first.
    Which assumes everyone else including the Dev is a moron, incapable of making this conclusion for themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    If I were to post just things I want but that were not in the vision of the dev, I would post a lot more than that.
    Obvious, and no surprise to anyone in these forums. Redundant.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I limit my suggestions and opinions to what I believe he can do, and is willing to do.
    I'm guessing you have no idea of the definition of 'limit' where this game and your opinions are concerned.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I'm stating my opinion that if you want regional resources (like he seems to want) then deathporting is stopping that or hurting it so greatly it's infective.
    Yup, what is it five or six times now you have said the same thing. Is this the back and forth you were talking about? What's the point again?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    The last part at least I know you agree with.
    Lets be VERY CLEAR, I do not agree with ANYTHING you advocate (in principle). I agreed with a hypothetical situation where this effected that and that effected something else. I don't see where it's practical to give opinions on those kinds of situations with any expectation.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Not listed in the suggestions by Xsyon that I think is a good option is leaving a grave that lasts for like 72 hours. So it would be 100% item drop and you would need to get all your inventory and gear off the grave. Now I've heard how people don't like this and they think back to the old "EQ" days of running back for your grave. So I've not said that either how might not want to do that.
    I see this as nothing but fantasy at the current time and redundant.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I do not see why later down the road would be good to change deathporting.
    Of course you don't, you have nothing but your OWN version of the game rattling around in your skull and that's all you ever see or hear --I'm sorry, that's sad.

    I suggest you pm me your email address where we can continue a lengthy, continuing and for you disappointing correspondence --because I'm sure Xsyon does not want it cluttering up his forums. And remember, right now we are using your theory of posting.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT
    Also showing that if you do 1 thing you will likely need to do another first.
    Quote Originally Posted by wastelandstoic View Post
    Which assumes everyone else including the Dev is a moron, incapable of making this conclusion for themselves.
    I'm happy you came to that conclusion also. Glad the main point I was making is seen.

  3. #3
    I think the death porting issue has been fully discussed at this point. I'm going to weigh in real quick with my opinions.

    Death porting is not something I designed or intended. In the very original design of Xsyon, when you die you would have death penalties and revive near your body. Infirmaries would allow you to revive in a nearby town with reduced penalties for a fee.

    The current use of death porting is one of these things that I'm usually the last to hear about. :-) I am, and have been aware of it for a while now, but aside for facilitating trade and movement of larger building materials I don't feel it's having a major impact on the game right now.

    I do think, however, that it breaks immersion and deviates from the game that I originally designed and would enjoy. Like the previous multi-story building tricks, it's something that veteran players take for granted as part of the game, but new players don't know about. Long time active players use death porting as a solution to carrying large loads across great distances. New players have the same problem without the solution (unless they join larger tribes or are informed by a friendly player). This creates an imbalance.

    What needs to be addressed is the root problem - transporting heavy building materials from one side of the world to another.

    I did want to implement death penalties while the infirmary was a new addition.

    I understand that some players want inconsequential penalties so that they can continue to use death porting.

    The reason for death porting is transporting heavy materials across large distances.

    This root cause needs to be addressed first!

    At this point, I will hold off on death penalties until my work on creatures is done. The creature update will include mounts and I will see about implementing larger carts pulled by mounts shortly after. This is going to change how materials are transported and I will look into further revising the scavenge tables at that point (including removing object / material combinations that are not really necessary).

    Thanks for all the feedback! These type of discussions help me get to the core issues.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    The reason for death porting is transporting heavy materials across large distances.
    I can only speak for myself here, I have no data on how anyone else plays the game being mostly a solo style player. Yes, a good while back once I realized I could move hvy loads with deathport, I did. But my play style has changed in the past year. I am much more of a casual player than when I first started (always in this category, more so now). 99.9% of the time when I now use deathporting it is in situations like this:

    I log in and decide I'd like to visit the other side of the map, since I have not been there in months. I know that I can explore all the way there and then take a deathport home. If that option was not available I would not leave my tribe in the first place as I have limited play time and a more limited attention span with the game in general since I have been playing for so long. It is highly likely that with no deathporting (or no means of fast travel across long distance) I would decide that the game had become to restrictive for me and move on. If this is a player opinion that you believe is very rare and virtually no one else shares it, ignore it. If you find that others share it, perhaps a more creative solution can be sought --that is if you are amendable to the idea fast travel.

    Off the top of my head, putting a gauge on the encumbrance bar, like the energy bar, that tells you the percentage of encumbrance and then setting a max allowable load where fast travel upon death would be acceptable, say 20% as an example. At death a yes/ no choice would be given to drop all weight to the minimum and rez at tribe OR keep all weight and rez. in place.

    Something along this line would solve the hvy load issue and still allow quick transport back to tribe. If you have the same immersion problem with fast travel without hvy load as you do with the current deathporting then it is most likely that I am also being redundant.

    Last edited by wastelandstoic; 07-17-2015 at 10:32 AM.

  5. #5
    I think most of the info here we need to remember to balance game theme/concept with also realizing this is a game. Sure it might sound neat to perma die no stats no gear but its gonna keep away 95% of players and then you would have a hoard of noobs attacking 1 high level destroying months if not years of work. Who had fun there? the trolls that will play 2 months?

    Also you have to balance high and low level effects - I'm a new player to xsyon (over 15 years in sandboxes) so if I lost 10% durability every time I die with a cash repair system I'd lose 50% durability of my gear before finishing terraforming.

    I think a mixture of
    cash lost sat 1% pve 5% pvp with cash being in a characters inv not as a carried item but as money like most games as for insurance they can store the cash in totems or houses thus minimizing the risk of traders out and about / raising pvp rewards of finding hundreds of dollars under a mattress
    temporary stat loss I'd say 1-5 mins for pve 10-20 for pvp to stop rapid revive defenses but not feel like you have to wait 30mins to return to work on something or harvesting
    experience loss - 5% for pve 10% for pvp - would hurt but not end players fun

    in the end I think a mix of pro cons could also work as when the comfort system is added dieing hurts so would pose a penalty to happiness later as well as a boost if you have survived (insert number of hours) time without getting eaten- while some of the above ideas are interesting I think it would lower the possible amount of people playing without adding allot to the game. Also no I don't want to make the game easier but easy and accessible are not the same thing, a challenging game that people can try new things is far more fun then a really hard game you stick with tried and true methods cause your to afraid of trying something out of the box. Lets face it this is a sandbox if no one tries new ideas it won't grow so making people paranoid isn't going to help.

  6. #6
    Darkmercy, I understand a new player might lose over 50% dura on your gear before finishing terraforming, however, don't forget the ease and cost that gear is worth.
    You could go scav for 10mins and buy 2 sets of gear as a new player. As a vet, it would take you weeks to scav the money needed to replace the gear they have.
    I think 10mins of "farming" for gear is not much needed to replace and be "punishment" of death every few days or weeks.

    What needs to be balance is how hard something is for everyone in the matter, and balance it to that. I do know that rewarding people for death, is not good for the game.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Darkmercy, I understand a new player might lose over 50% dura on your gear before finishing terraforming, however, don't forget the ease and cost that gear is worth.
    You could go scav for 10mins and buy 2 sets of gear as a new player. As a vet, it would take you weeks to scav the money needed to replace the gear they have.
    I think 10mins of "farming" for gear is not much needed to replace and be "punishment" of death every few days or weeks.

    What needs to be balance is how hard something is for everyone in the matter, and balance it to that. I do know that rewarding people for death, is not good for the game.
    I would even say it will make the last ppl leave. we are currently in a stage where we should consider how to get the game to a success, not how to avoid ppl. but its xsyon's concept and he will do what he think is right.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Darkmercy, I understand a new player might lose over 50% dura on your gear before finishing terraforming, however, don't forget the ease and cost that gear is worth.
    You could go scav for 10mins and buy 2 sets of gear as a new player. As a vet, it would take you weeks to scav the money needed to replace the gear they have.
    I think 10mins of "farming" for gear is not much needed to replace and be "punishment" of death every few days or weeks.

    What needs to be balance is how hard something is for everyone in the matter, and balance it to that. I do know that rewarding people for death, is not good for the game.
    I feel like what I posted versus your reply doesn't quiet match up so just to make sure we are on the same page

    I said that a 10% loss in gear in a cash based repair system would push many new players away - so a hybrid system of resource repair + cash repair for higher QL tools would be a better system this would allow new players the ability to quickly repair low level tools and not need to search for cash / shops / and spread out farther in the world earlier in game instead of hunkering down around the start zone - we had a very similar problem in wurm online since the new people had to buy the stuff from the start zone and it could take people 2-3 hours of running to return and get home they had to stay close creating a massive over stacking of players in start zone

    so I recommended
    durability loss on equipment - equipment under Quality 50 (or even lower say quality 30) is resources only +50 players have to spend cash making high level gear harder to maintain while not punishing new players but pushing up the challenge to keep really good gear in peek condition

    a Loss of carried cash 1-5% (pve/pvp) meaning high level players who don't store cash somewhere when hunting will take a much bigger hit then new people giving some wiggle room for new people to die and learn the game without feeling like they are being clubbed to death and giving up - without new blood they game won't grow and these games have enough complex challenging issues without making noobs feel stupid about a bunny killing them and them losing half their gear

    stat loss for 10-20 mins long enough to make players feel it but not enough to make them really rage out for multi dieing

    experience loss 5-10% of the bar depending on pve versus pvp - this could mean a big difference for new to veteran players as it could be mins to hours depending on scaling

    also not sure where the whole rewarding people for death part came in cause I was trying to balance the losses so new people don't quit but the veteran players don't get torn to shreds to protect the noobs gameplay

    Also please explain how I can spend 10mins and get 2 sets of gear
    Last edited by Darkkmercy; 09-23-2015 at 10:01 AM.

  9. #9
    How do you spend 10mins or less to pay for 2 sets of crap gear?

    You say, I have 300 dollar bills, can someone make me a couple of sets of low QL leather armor?

    New players start with super crap crap gear. Meaning any crafter could spend 5mins and make 2 sets of gear, heck most people toss out dozens of that level of armor every day.
    I know I deleted 1000s of baskets of crap armor. If someone wanted to pay me 300 dollar bills for a basket of armor, I would gladly take it and be happy that I didnt have to delete it.

    High end vet gear is a full other story. But if you need or want highend vet gear you should know how to play better and be able to get money faster than a new player.

    How do you get 300 dollars in 10 mins? You walk around on a scav pile and click the scav button for 10mins.
    Or better yet, you ask people if you could make money off them for doing a task they might want done, like making wood blocks or picking up grass. All of which also trains up skills and gets green points as a new player.
    Wow what a system. Something where everyone wins for trading and economy.

  10. #10
    your information seems to be out dated as first off after 7days in game 2-3 hours a day scavenging off some really big piles I have 100 dollars at around 12-14 hours not 300 after 10mins

    2nd this really doe not cover any other issue you basically just mocked someone for no reason you didn't go over the info you didn't even read my post which is obvious cause you are not even talking about the same thing as me you just said its not fair and get over it

    I've been gaming online now 22 years been a sandboxer for 15 years I understand the basics of economy and trade but your info does not match the in game experience and your responses don't match what I'm saying I'm not sure if your just getting lost in translation or your just upset about something but you need to reread the info and cover it not just be ass for someone asking a legit question

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