I'm answering as a former player of Xsyon, but will comment each of the suggestions you listed.

- Item duration loss.

No, I don't like that idea at all. Duration should be decreased over time and by use (corrosion, hits, wear and tear etc), NOT by dying. The repair option is nice but should only be possible by using a craft skill. Money sink? You might as well introduce NPC's with shops...

- Cash loss.

Loosing cash by dying? Loosing cash you wouldn't even bring on a raid/exploration? No, and only if you were stupid to bring it along and were robbed (after your death)...

- Item loss.

Could be fun especially if it emulated the fact that your body was stripped clean by revs in the neighbourhood. Of course you should respawn naked.

- XP loss..

Don't like it very much and hardly of any use.

- Temporary stat or skill loss. .

Even if dying and rising again doesn't make any sense except in game or a good book, this idea is half ok with me. Ghost running to a corpse might be one hell of a thing to do in Xsyon though, especially when the land is expanded.

In general it is, like Pean already mentioned, very important that you differentiate between different kinds of deaths. It doesn't make any sense with a death penalty that reduces duration if you died from thirst.

I don't like insurance systems at all. Who would offer the insurance?

I would prefer a system where you are debuffed when you respawn. Everything you wore when dying are still in a corpse where you died. To get everything back you have to re-claim it by walking there and loot it. If not it can be looted at any time by anyone. After a certain time the corpse dissolves with everything on it.

Duration should, as I suggested above, decrease over time and by use anyway.