Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
Second, Item loss as you describe it could be good too. Adding backpacks where revs can store multiple items they have looted off players will make it fun to hunt rev. Also this can encourage players to band together rather than just play solo, because som of these revs will become quite powerful, and the player may need assistance to get his items back.
revs already wear newbies sneakers, lumberjack shirts and pants. this way they remove the basic starter kits from someone who step in a revs place without even knowing what can happen.

Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post

When I played with you, I've seen you die a few times. Just in the limited play time with you. You also used the deathporting option to move items.
sure, couz critters can run faster than a player who sprint. if we finally would fix the animal behavour even this few deaths would now happen anymore. but we focus on new stuff, as usual.

Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
But it would make those items of more value because of how long they lasted. It would also be better for the economy as a whole because currently, items like never break.
more valuable? cmon they are alreade unable to trade couz you almost cant reproduce them. the current value is out of what players reach if they would be even offerd on the marked.

anyway, deathporting was always part of the game, and everyone used it. i wouldnt mind if it doesnt work anymore. but a better hauling system for heavy items should be replaced at some point. even if its juts a boat or the possibility to use a cart as such.