sigh I posted my responses but your not even reading half the info I just give up responding to you just like skim through it and leave half page of why it doesn't work

so lead follow or get out of the way but either leave a better solution or figure out how to make it work but stop restating info I already covered

for example I stated not once not twice but 3-5 times that to use the 5% cash loss you would need a new economy held cash system so unlike a item its carried standard like most games and would not be able to just randomly be stuffed in a crate but a new bank system allowing players to place it in and retrieve it from a small cost would be implemented

also who the hell has 5 starting str - WHO I've not met one person who has started with under 20-50 starting str I mean thats not a building issue that is a issue between the keyboard and chair also you can't even drop the stat to 5! the game stops you its not even possible

also I played wow I've never once worked more then 5 days for a piece of gear and I've got 6 maxed characters - I mean wow is a crafting joke in the mmo world how on earth do you think it would takes MONTHS to do this

and I played ultima online to they did implement a repair system which is still in all versions but the hard core no expansions one they run for old old players