Look into a game called "Life is Feudal: Your Own", their combat system is... interesting to say the least and far to in depth to explain it with just words.

There are a great many aspects of the combat in LIF that are appealing, and even more of them relating to PvP. If Xsyon would implement their combat system anywhere close to that game it would be impressive.

I am glad you addressed the issue that latency was a problem with melee combat, but in the new system will elevation be factored in at all? I would highly recommend putting a check in place that uses the Y axis... for obvious reasons. I would recommend the use of hit boxes (if they are already there, then their bounding boxes need tweaked), or at least a modified version of a RayCast system which would be relatively "basic" but a good starting point for an overhaul.

Anyway, definitely check out that game if you already haven't.

~ Tefached