While I go through periods of trying out other MMO's nothing I have ran across has kept much interest for me for several years. I enjoy xsyon's combat system and have become accustomed to it. I would hope any changes would be minimal to the feel that we have now.

I have not played Mount & Blade or Mortal Online but I did try LiF-YO. I had the opposite reaction than that of Tefached. Combat and character animations in general felt very stiff and much more restrictive that Xsyon. To me it seemed like the character graphic was a cardboard cutout with no real reactions to what was transpiring with combat or other interactions. I did play early after release and not very long so my exposure was limited.

If it's decided to reduce some of the directional range of attacks and on the fly charging for a simpler system, perhaps a high, middle low attack/ defense system with an adjustable slider for charge could benefit Xsyon?

I recently revisited the first MMO I played back in 1999, Asheron's Call, and while its graphics are period I do like many of the skills/ combat system mechanics. Here is a skill that effects combat attacks based on the level of attack -Hi, Med or low:


And, while I certainly don't want a WOW type multi-button punch-out, rotation some static added bonuses at the goal post levels in each weapon skill would be welcomed. (Also, a balancing of the blade and club skills with picks and axes so all are viable. And, yes, I liked all the other weapon/ defense skills that we use to have. Would love to eventually see swords as well.)