Jordi, I believe the games have already been mentioned. Elder scrolls, the repopulation, Neverwinter etc. etc....Anything that is active targeting and the ability to double tap direction keys to dodge would add IMMENSE enjoyment to the combat system. The game is already a blast just building stuff, if combat were improved, people would be even more addicted. I know its hard for me to pull myself off Xsyon and will usually sink 6-7 hours a day into it.

Games like Mortal and Life is Feudal are also good. Basically active targeting with the ability to hold the A or D keys to side swipe or swing upwards. This could be difficult though for casual gamers. So I think the basic style of active targeting with a reticule in the middle of the screen and just clicking the left or right mouse keys to attack like it is now is fine. I said in one of my gameplay videos that once you go to combat mode, the screen should zoom in a bit like an action 3rd person shooter with your character slightly to the side so the enemy is in the middle of the screen. This makes the combat more cinematic.