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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Right by the Mist
    Quote Originally Posted by thurgond View Post
    Crafted gear on a rev matching that tribe's members likely came from a member that logged in to a tribe full of revs and dying.
    That would reset the timer on the totem, and a couple of the tribes I've "been aware of" while their 30 days was still active, I've seen them become inactive, and even watched as they become Deserted and the first rev spawns.
    Now don't get me wrong as I don't find player gear on revs all the time, it's rare but there's been enough times to make we wonder.

    Then theres the rev page on the wiki, yes I know the wiki is seriously out of date, but who ever wrote that page either knew what they were talking about, or were talking out their ass, as it clearly states that revs loot from bins.

    Now the way I see it working is, you have a tribe with a dozen bins laying around the totem, only one has any player gear in it, the rest are all scav junk. Now the timer on the totem hits Deserted and a rev has to spawn, this is when Random Number Generators kick in, a series of RNG determine what rev armor, QL and stats the rev gets, another RNG then determines if the rev gets to "look" in a bin, if it's no then the rev spawns in just it's rev gear, if it's yes then another RNG runs to choose which bin. In this case that would be a one in twelve chance it's going to get to "look" in the bin with gear, and even if it does get to "look" in that bin it can only take a few pieces, and only to fill in some of the empty slots in it's own gear, and it's just TS on the rev if everything in the bin is for slots it's already got gear in.

    But like all things Xsyon, only one person really knows what's what.

  2. #2
    When did the revs stop looting bins? They used to back in the day.

  3. #3
    Revs do not loot bins.

    I have been here for a long time and never seen them do it, That is a urban legend.

  4. #4
    Here is an answer to the "Do Revs loot bins"? Without the general management answering this specific question in detail, no one can no for sure what Revs do or don't do. Since no one can see whether a Rev is looking in a bin or not, how can you truly know without guides or the gm telling you. As for extremely good gear appearing on a Rev, I suppose a guide could let a Rev kill him and let the Rev wear really good armor. Is that messing with people? Not really sure.


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