Hi Keendor, I saw your message in global on War server, but I was afk when you wrote it and when I replied you had logged off. Sorry I missed you!

The war server is not very active, but there are some people playing and you are welcome to join my tribe if you want, or set up a camp close by and we can help each other out. On Peace server I am a member of a tribe and of course you'd be welcome to join us also. I play mostly EU hours, but I log on now and then throughout the day. PM me if you want to meet up in game!

The peace server is much more active but this game doesn't have a large population compared to most mmos. But there are several active tribes and if you are happy with a small group then you can find that on either server. But it depends on the time of day how many you will run into. Also a lot of people rarely chat in global.

I hope I see you in game, I am Hedera on War, and Kataya on Peace.