Blueprints are in Architecture so you were talking about that.

PVP and PVE did work, and still would work on 1 server. Maybe not in the way you would like it (you don't even like the current PVP or PVE server so that is kinda pointless).

Of course some would play on a 3rd server. People that didn't know, people that thought the name sounds cool or whatever. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

No quite the opposite. When you have a few skills to worry about, decay is not a problem. Most new players just do not understand how the lock system works. It's not until you get 3+ skills that you do not want to decay PER pool that it starts to effect you.

But again, its a lack of understanding the game. Your suggestions need to be bounced off other people to vet them to make sure what you want isn't already in the game and what you are asking for would even work. Then as a group of people talk about your ideas and work out issues and details then maybe that idea can come out to be something worthwhile. I'm not say get people to vote on it, but you need to really understand how things work before you can come up with working ideas.
Currently you are either suggesting things that are already in game, would not work like you want because of how the game is, or break other systems in the game that you already like or want. Plus a few other issues. Without even getting to the point of me disagreeing with your basic idea, just the fact of what you want wouldn't even work the way you are suggesting.
On top of all that, you do not believe me when I say things, you have this idea that I want everything the way I want it to rule the world or something.
Not sure if you know this, but I deleted my toon for this very reason. So I can offer advice on the game without people like you convinced that I'm only out for myself. I also deleted my whole town and about a million in $ in game. So before you try to say things like "your aim is to dominate" please think about what I just said and did. If that were my aim why would I delete the strongest toon in the game and all the riches he had? Yeah, kinda contrary to what you are saying huh?

Anyways, my advice is that really 1 single server is best with areas of PVP, and mostly PVE. I also think that a change to how the skill system works currently is needed where instead of able to learn all skills to 100. Only allow like 2 or 3 per pool to 100. Or a set amount of skill points per pool total.