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  1. #1
    im against haveing 1 server imo should leave the servers alone.u have a great game and should just keep working on stuff u have already planned and not waste your time.i think if u make it 1 server regardless of a switch for pvp on/off or just pvp zones wont matter.i also think it would be unfair to the poeple on both servers and all the hard work they have done to wipe them.its just my opion.thx keep up the great work.

  2. #2
    i play on peace and like the pve and i dont pvp because the combat isnt the best for pvp.but i wouldnt mind if like some people said open more of the map and make some zones pvp that sounds ok with this change if it doesnt bother my pve game play.ty

  3. #3
    My issue with pvp is not dying. It's the grieving. Yesterday I spent the entire day working grass in a field. I did this why multitudes of people ran by waving and greeting me. This included several new players.
    Last time I did this on the pvp server someone took the time to destroy every grass pile I had after killing me over and over three way over powered players on one guy with no weapon or armor. They didn't even bother to take the grass, they just destroyed it. The dieing is not the issue it's the grieving.
    In my humble opinion PVP had it's chance, what was your words Xsyon? "The game population had also reached its lowest point." I say keep it like it is and let a dying dog die last one out turn out the lights. Honestly this question has already been answered by the player base, what was your words on that? "has followed this 80%/20% split."
    I have trade partnerships, homesteads and tribes working towards common goals, new players rolling in by the day, communities growing. This game is headed in the right direction and the numbers show it.
    Do I mind a duel switch? not at all, just adds to the game and we all know that's not pvp anyway. Do I want a tainted community running around grieving players? Not at all that didn't work the first time and won't work now, " The game population had also reached its lowest point."
    If the cost of running two servers is too much simply choose the low pop server and close shop.

    For the record I did meet real pvp players on my time in the pvp server unfortunately they were far and few.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by fuquashawn View Post
    My issue with pvp is not dying. It's the grieving. Yesterday I spent the entire day working grass in a field. I did this why multitudes of people ran by waving and greeting me. This included several new players.
    Last time I did this on the pvp server someone took the time to destroy every grass pile I had after killing me over and over three way over powered players on one guy with no weapon or armor. They didn't even bother to take the grass, they just destroyed it. The dieing is not the issue it's the grieving.
    In my humble opinion PVP had it's chance, what was your words Xsyon? "The game population had also reached its lowest point." I say keep it like it is and let a dying dog die last one out turn out the lights. Honestly this question has already been answered by the player base, what was your words on that? "has followed this 80%/20% split."
    I have trade partnerships, homesteads and tribes working towards common goals, new players rolling in by the day, communities growing. This game is headed in the right direction and the numbers show it.
    Do I mind a duel switch? not at all, just adds to the game and we all know that's not pvp anyway. Do I want a tainted community running around grieving players? Not at all that didn't work the first time and won't work now, " The game population had also reached its lowest point."
    If the cost of running two servers is too much simply choose the low pop server and close shop.

    For the record I did meet real pvp players on my time in the pvp server unfortunately they were far and few.

    I fully agree let PVP server die, if Xsyon doesnt care about PVP and combat doesnt support it why worry about having 2 servers? Just let the PVP die without support updates or fixes.

    Fuquashawn just note that PVP also had more people than PVE server ever has. 1000s of people played on that server with those rules. The same can not be said for the PVE server.

    It sounds to me like you are a prime person that would be for a PVE server as you don't like PVP, which is fine. I agree with having areas made for people like you. I also think you would enjoy having some PVP here and there (like the dual option you are talking about) or zones where you can PVP if you want but not be "griefed" in your home zone.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Fuquashawn just note that PVP also had more people than PVE server ever has. 1000s of people played on that server with those rules. The same can not be said for the PVE server.
    I've seen you write comments like this before and I think they are misleading to general readers. (It's not misleading to me because I have the actual data and a ton of feedback from those times).

    Technically when the Prelude launched (March 2011) there were a few thousand 'active' players. All players that had pre-ordered Xsyon were considered 'active' since subscriptions had not started and there was a huge population boost in February and March of 2011 primarily from traffic coming from where Xsyon was listed as one of the most anticipated games for those two months.

    In reality, more than half of pre-order players quit playing before the final wipe. Many players simply don't play a game for more than 10 hours over the course of a month or two (which is how I've played nearly all MMOs I've played in the past). Many complained about rowdy players and tribes that had arrived in February and March and quit. Several large tribes that had enjoyed pre-order times (even with all the wipes) moved on to other games.

    Many players wanted to see two servers at launch and I was on the fence about it until the very last minute. Looking back, not having both War and Peace servers at launch was one of my biggest mistakes. I can't change the past now though!

    Roughly 2000 pre-order players logged in during the launch month after the final wipe. That month was very chaotic. The biggest complaints were about performance issues (loading and lag) and griefing. The game was barely playable with more than 50 players online.

    Once subscriptions kicked in two months later the active population was down to around 500 players. At that point the focus of development was on combat. I had brought in one coder specifically to work on the new combat system and another to work on networking code to improve performance (desynch in particular).

    Outside of that brief period (February and March of 2011) traffic to the Xsyon website (and now the Steam page) has been very low. The numbers in terms of conversion rates, hours played per player and player retention have increased over the years, especially after the launch of the Peace server.

    With the recent removal of subscriptions, Xsyon has been more active than at any time since April 2011. The forums and global chat are a lot quieter than back then but players are spending more time in game and actively building and trading than ever before.

    So technically, yes, for a very short period of two months about 2000 players played on the one server with current War Server rules. Most of those players checked in for several hours or less. It was just a small but very aggressive and vocal community that dominated the game and the forums. It was a chaotic unhappy two months and certainly not a period I would like to revive in Xsyon ever again.

    Having said all this, as I've stated many times before, I enjoy PvP and I'm all for making improvements to bring the War Server to life. I will post my proposal for feedback shortly.
    Last edited by Xsyon; 01-25-2016 at 01:20 PM.

  6. #6
    As a new player hearing that everything ive built or helped to build will be wiped is very discouraging to continue to play. I like that youd be offering to save characters to continue to develop after a potential merger. It definantly allievates some reluctance to even start playing. I have played many survival games before and what it comes down to is the community. Everyone ive met so far is fairly friendly and their isnt much asshole griefing like I've seen in minecraft or Dayz. Maybe having something like I've seen in Warcraft where you flag yourself for pvp but once your flagged you cant unflag for another hour or so of gametime. Also allowing a tribe to form as a war tribe or Peace tribe would be sweet and allow both communities to coexist as then pve'rs can contract out and build stuff for the war tribes allowing more co-existance. If the people dont need enforcing at the time being however I'd say let it be. Another idea is if you are allied with a war tribe to help build upon their land it flags your tribe lands but not neccesarily your character for pvp for the time you form that alliance. Those are all farther on the road though as for the time being I feel almost zero danger on the PvE server and I can see it getting monotonous after awhile so hopefully some kind of temporary fix ie roving revanants or other dangers is implemented.

    -Fwick the Peddler
    Lost Boys
    Last edited by Wrath_Hobo; 01-25-2016 at 09:03 AM. Reason: Terrible writer

  7. #7
    I think a lot of people skipped the other post about keeping the two servers not being an issue, we're not going back to one server. A lot of the arguments are being made as if the servers are going to be merged, Lets stop focusing on something that isn't going to occur, the Peace Server is safe and wont be getting blood spilled on it.

    The true problem is no one, a part from a few players, want to actually play on the war server because of the small minority of players that have no sense of honor coupled with no one likes being restricted to just their homestead.

    Ganking and Griefing is not pvp, I wish people would stop calling those two activities PvP because its not.

    If War server had levels of pvp that increased risk with reward, IE death vs death + full loot, then that would allow players to choose how much involvement they want.

    Those Danger level in all the Zones are the best solution:


    None only exists on founders island, You have 4 levels of danger that increase as you get out away from the lake.
    4 Levels of increasing Risk and potentially increasing reward.

    We can just roll with that and boom, suddenly the pvp server has areas where combat can and can't occur.

    Then you can't gank/grief people because they didn't go 5 zones north of founders island and just be done with it.

    If the mist moves back then those zones that were high level danger would suddenly become low and those war tribes would need to move out towards the mist again.

    (again this should all only occur on the War server, Peace should be the pve fun land of trade and what ever.)
    Last edited by xyberviri; 01-25-2016 at 12:16 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    When I first started playing Xsyon it was one server, Open world pvp and I was ok with it, although Im not interested in pvp at all. What it did for me and the tribe I ultimately started was give us a reason to build walls and fortifications. So it added to the excitement of the game at that time.

    But now on the pve server ( peace ), I cannot see how it would add anything to the game, considering where Jordi want to take the game. Eventually we will have the ability to create our own "events" in the form of adventures and dungeons on our own tribe lands built by us and ran by us the players ( not Guides ).

    With that sort of future, Adding a flag to allow "Dualing" style pvp, would only add the potential of ganker style players trying to verbally inflame players into pvp duals. This will lead to a loss of pve players due to the shear irritation factor.

    If you want more stress on the PVE server, I would rather see roving bands of revs that circle the lake looking for trouble. Or extend the range of larger animals to see bears by the lake on a regular basis.

    My vote would be to put this idea on hold. Finish the animal revisions and maybe make the animals roam farther afield than they currently do to add some excitement and provide reasons for fortifications.

    I would agree with the idea that if the war server got to where there were no active tribes it should be removed to make life easier for the developer.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    I agree on either creating pvp toon or switch to and from pvp by /pvp flag, no!!!! to pvp zones and advantages, if pvpers don't like it? pvp server and pve server should remain indefinite.
    I would not mind if pve server would have an option for /pvp flag.

  10. #10

    I am not a true vet but one that had learned the game quite well. My reason for not being active at this time is not because PvP is dead in the game but at a certain point there is just no more content that keeps me interested. Having farming come to fuition to me was the catch 22 between PvP and PvE.

    Yes there is great advantage for a PvP'r to grow and make certain foods to gain a better PvP advantage but lets be honest here...PvP'rs dont want to farm.

    I said it in a post long ago that if this were a real apocolyptic senerio that there would be people out there trying to survive by stealing and me this was part of the thrill of the game...i had to watch over my back...90% of the time i still died...but it was part of what the game was about.

    I had left to play Archeage and was very pleased with the game mechanics and how PvP was done but the cash shop there ruined the game. I am currently playing a totally PvE game but see the same senerio there as Xsyon pve....these are MMO's yet everyone wants to be solo heroes. Content needs to be in place not to force but to keep an MMO what it stands for. people need to come together to accomplish stuff.

    Now as for the feedback subject at hand.

    I like PvP but im horrible at it. If ANYTHING is attempted to return to a single server containing both PvE and PvP...first the combat sync needs to be fixed then i would agree to what the remaing vets have now mentioned with the formost objective is to keep honing the game and get rid of the PRELUDE title.

    I will help keep Oasis alive by logging in but untill there is either more content...IE roaving bands of revs or animals that can destroy the lego buildings OR the one server with both PvP and PvE is implemented...i will just keep hoping a well rounded game is made.


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