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  1. #1
    I started playing Xsyon when there was only one server. When the servers split I went to PvE and played there for quite a long time. I went to PvE because I was tired of the griefers and harassers that were running rampant on the single server. The people in PvE by and large shared my feelings about PvP and were very happy there.

    Two months or so ago, the PvE server was down and I decided to go to PvP and work on my much neglected characters there. What I found was that the griefers were gone and the PvP crowd was comprised of dedicated and mature individuals who made playing in the server a real delight. So.... I stayed. In the meantime I have seen the PvP population grow into a small community that is wonderful to play with. I'm actually selling stuff on my trading post, and miracle of miracles, the chat is alive and well with players ready willing and able to help other players. I was impressed by the cooperative attitude of the small and growing PvP community. So..... my point is this: Rather than rekindling the age old divisive debate of pvp vs pve, why not focus energy and resources on enhancing the game, adding ranged weapons, getting us furniture for the beautiful buildings that the new architecture can build, and leave the one server merge issue for later, when it can be implemented in a fair way that will satisfy both sides. Why fix something that at this point, most people believe "ain't broke?"

    The implementation of a single server would not adversely affect me because I have developed characters on both servers and am happy with my tribe lands in both, but there are others where that would not be the case.
    Many on the PvP server, like on the PvE server have invested many hours in building very nice homesteads, bands, tribes etc. To implement a merge where the outcome would be the loss of all their hard work does not seem fair to me. Please think on this some more so that the implementation will be fair to all.

  2. #2
    If the merge wont happen then i think that Pve server shouldnt get any pvp options at all, no duels no flagging, nothing at all.
    All in order for war server be the only option to pvp.

  3. #3


    1) Closing the current War server will mean all tribes, towns and inventories will be lost. I could possibly copy character information (appearance, stats, skills and schemes) for players that request it but this could be a time consuming procedure.

    4) PvP players would not have any advantage over PvE players. There would not be a possibility of PvP controlled resources or areas that would give PvPers an advantage. To implement something like that I would need to start up a separate PvP server again.

    Oh really, then i would say start a CLEAN server, see how popular the idea is if the pve guys are being wiped =P i for one would love a reset map and if war tribe get deleted and gain 0 advantage to be fair so should pve tribes or they DO get an advantage.

  4. #4
    I think too much time has passed and too many players have done too much work on War for a server merge now. A merge would generate more ill will than it is worth.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    I think it is better to keep both pve and pvp servers as it is, I don't care if there is no pvp of any kind on pve server but I would like if you make pve server more pve, such as: assigning revs to all junk places as if they are decayed tribes and give revs an ability to restore junk piles, if anyone would drop a totem on top of a junk area which would attract revs to that totem and attack it constantly, it would also add a place to hunt and add a danger.

  6. #6

    This is my suggestion that gives everyone something:
    -Create new zone type, well call it a "conflict zone" which can be 1 of 3 alignments: War, Peace & Neutral, then expand the mist with these new zone types. (just 2-3 squares out.) While leaving the existing playable area alone.

    -Then while a conflict zone is in a neutral stat you can allow Good and Evil to attack/kill each other, but DONT allow looting and DONT allow damage to or from a neutral player.

    -Instead let players collect trophies from the corpse (right click corpse "collect trophies"), then return those trophies to their totem which is in a conflict zone to influence the zone towards good or evil.

    -Once the good or evil tribes return enough trophies (ie paid enough tribute/upkeep) the zone should move closer to becoming a War zone (ie follow the rules on the war server, full loot everyone takes damage) or a Peace zone (ie follow the rules on the peace server, no player vs player combat)

    -Allow neutral players to participate by letting them return it to their totem in order to move the zone closer to becoming a neutral zone.
    Last edited by xyberviri; 01-13-2016 at 05:47 PM.

  7. #7
    No Merge.

    Thats like you are totally giving up on PVP.......

    You are doing nothing to even retain PVPers or try to get back those that left.

    There has no been no PVP content developed.

    its all PVE, Farming, cooking, new arch sytem creature fixes. Yes those are all great...
    but nothing for PVP Its no wonder all the PVPers left and have not returned.

    Merging the servers will just kill of PVP for good, which is probably what you want anyway.


  8. #8
    ideas are all great but wiping the pvp server with peoples work needs close consideration

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amish paradise PA
    @xyberviri so, people who have many accounts can drop totems and set them to pvp to overwhelm pveers? I say keep pvp and pve servers separated.

    If you want to merge in to one server, then:
    1) setting your tribe to good make you immune to pvp of any kind any were you go.
    2) setting your tribe to neutral will make your tribe land immune to pvp the rest is pvp enabled
    3) setting your tribe to evil will set you and your tribe to pvp enabled no safe zone in any were you go and your tribe can be looted and dismantled
    Add health color, green (good), white (neutral) and red(evil).
    No other advantages disadvantageous.
    Last edited by znaiika; 01-13-2016 at 08:26 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by znaiika View Post
    @xyberviri so, people who have many accounts can drop totems and set them to pvp to overwhelm pveers? I say keep pvp and pve servers separated.

    If you want to merge in to one server, then:
    1) setting your tribe to good make you immune to pvp of any kind any were you go.
    2) setting your tribe to neutral will make your tribe land immune to pvp the rest is pvp enabled
    3) setting your tribe to evil will set you and your tribe to pvp enabled no safe zone in any were you go and your tribe can be looted and dismantled
    Add health color, green (good), white (neutral) and red(evil).
    No other advantages disadvantageous.
    No. You give advantages to people and give disadvantageous to the other. If you going to take something away from someone or give them a disadvantage you should at least give them something of an advantage.

    It's really simple.
    Make areas where it's PVP enabled for ANYONE walking in that area.
    Give resources or skill gain or something to that area for being there.
    Make control points to that area that PVP players will contest.

    If PVE players do not want PVP, then they stay in the PVE areas. Most games do this just like this, it's is really not hard at all. Ultima Online did it and does it. They give 2x resource for every action in PVP areas. They also have special monsters and quests ONLY in that area.
    EvE online does it. Darkfall does it etc etc. (Listing sandbox games I know of)

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