No, having deleted both my toon and tribe on PVE server to ONLY be on the PVP server. I surely would not want this at all. I removed my tribe on the PVE server for a reason.

Having a dysfunctional PVE/PVP server would do nothing in my eyes. Unless there are AREAS as stated before that have conflict (control objectives) that anyone in that area is open game for PVP. Not a switch /PVP on/off. That is the silly thing for PVP and all PVPers know this. What you really mean is duels because that's all it's really going to be used for.

As requested before make areas of PVP that have conflict control points that have a reward of some type for controlling them. I'm sure you can open up a few (10 or so) zones for this that no one lives at that would not be a problem.

PVP is dead because just like this post you want to crush PVP in the game. You have done NOTHING to support any type of PVP in the game only done things that hurt it. Now you want to make it so there is no PVP other than duels.