Theres a great blog article from Raph Koster (UO/SWG/Crowfall) in regards to "switch" PvP or PvP flagging:

A PvP "switch" is a good idea in my opinion and would be the one I vote for. This would allow the PvE'rs (majority) to continue playing as they already are and allow the PvP'rs (minority) to still exist/run events etc..and allow more players to occasionally participate (PvE'rs). I would assume this would also be the easiest route for Jordi to take development wise.

Creating PvP zones isn't a bad idea but again i would assume (im not a coder/programmer) implementation of a system like this would take much more effort adding objectives, timers, and whatnot. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, this could still be implemented even WITH a PvP Switch/TEF system. The two can coexist.

In regards to removing the PvP server...ugh thats tough. You've got some really dedicated people on that server and all those hours of hard work wiped would probably put the final nail in the coffin for them. While i understand its a low pop server, id keep it open until prelude is over.

I've written and deleted a reply to this thread about 4 times now. This isn't an easy topic. After much consideration to try to appease all three sides in this (PvE, PvP, Jordi/Future of Xsyon) i've come to the following conclusion: Jordi, don't waste your time on this right now.

Focus on implementing what you have planned, revamp combat and factions, and put this idea towards the end of Prelude development. Then Lets get out of Prelude, merge to a new Xsyon: Apocalypse server and toss the two current servers.

This is all my opinion, take it as you will. I dont want to sound bias towards PvE as i do enjoy PvP in a lot of games, I am just not a fan of OWPVP FFA rulesets and according to Jordi's statistics, i'm not alone in that mindset. I say we continue to discuss this topic through Preludes development and try to come to a decision prior to Apocalypse release that all sides can agree on.