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    01/25/2016 - Feedback Request - War Server Proposal

    Hello everyone,

    I've written up some proposed improvements to the War Server based on previous ideas of mine and feedback from players. These changes would take place after most of the current creature and combat changes I'm working on are complete.

    Proposed Sytem:

    - Tribes of BAND size or above would be allowed potential control over an entire territory. To first control a territory they must have their tribe within the territory and then place 4 control totems within the territory.

    - Control totems would claim a small plot of land, 20x20 meters. They would need to be spread throughout the zone with a minimum distance between each control totem.

    - Twice a week control totems would become 'open' for a certain period of time (an hour). This could happen more often. The time could be set by the controlling tribe and would be listed on the totem.

    - While open, players from another tribe can occupy the control totem area and take it over. Claiming a control totem would be occupation based (like several PvP objectives in Warcraft where having a player of a faction increases its value until a limit is reached and the objective is claimed). The goal during a battle would be to kill off your enemy while your tribe mates remain alive and active within the control totem’s area.

    - If the limit is not reached during the 'open' time, the current tribe retains control.

    - Control of the territory would allow the tribe to set the entire territory to Safe or PvP.

    - Control of the territory would give the tribe and its allies resource bonuses. Tribe members and allies would get:
    2x amount of scavenged resources
    bonus to quality level (but not exceeding the max quality)
    increased chance of finding rare materials

    - Tribes could gain control and advantages over other territories by capturing all control points.

    - Optional: Setting a territory to Safe would give lesser bonuses than setting it to PvP.

    - Optional: Control of the territory could entirely prevent non tribe members and allies from gathering resources on the land.

    Potential Future Enhancements:

    - Keeping control over a territory could also require some form of upkeep (resources? blood?).

    - On top of the controlled territories: High danger zones could be full loot PvP with slightly higher resource bonuses, medium danger zones could be random loot PvP with no resource bonuses and low danger zones could be no PvP and no resource bonuses (or the same as medium danger zones).

    - Controlled territories could give a chance for extremely rare materials or resources that would only be found on controlled territories.

    - Building allowed at control totems. This could first be limited to single story building and would require destruction of at least gates.

    - Allowing all players to build ramps and platforms (to get over walls) when control totems are ‘open’.

    - Gathering resources or hunting on territory controlled by another tribe could be considered ‘poaching’. It would be possible but not yield bonus results and would decrease your alignment towards evil. This would require the full good vs evil system to be in place.

    Questions For Players:

    - What is the minimum size tribe that should be allowed to control a territory? I think BAND is good to start off with.

    - How many control totems should be required to claim a territory? I think 4 is a good starting point, possibly 2 or 3 though due to the currently low population.

    - How much land should a control totem claim?

    - How often should control totems become ‘open’?

    - For how long should control totems become ‘open’?

    - Should control totem’s alternate being open, or should all of them be open at one time?

    - Would you like to see the controlling tribe set a territory to Safe or PvP? Or would you like to see controlled territories always be set to PvP? (Regardless, while control totems are open the entire territory would be open to PvP).
    Last edited by Xsyon; 06-09-2016 at 01:02 PM.

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