Quote Originally Posted by Ooloo View Post

I dont know why everything has to be micro managed.....have 6 random zones all around the map...random generate a 2 hr totem to flash up on the map...oh ya...you would need to implement a game map in game...2 hrs with bonus in that area, 4-6 hr cooldown then random picks a new spot...let pvp/bag loot happen during that 2 hr window. This way no one can monopolize on a zone and everyone that wants pvp and 2x bonus can go there.
You could even implement this on pve.
That doesn't sound fun, While it does encourage some pvp, its not going to encourage smaller tribes to work together for or against an area being controlled by a larger one.

Its like when a tribe decided to put a totem on a scrap pile, people band against them. The only thing is its gets boring after a while because you literally have no other control other than just a totem safe zone so you have to camp out in the zone until they leave their little area.

On the peace server: I honestly dont think you need any bonus on the pve server, That server already allows you unrestricted access to everything. Its common practice to leave baskets on junk piles and drop what ever you cant carry into it, people freely go and pick stuff out of them and take when the owner isn't around, but rarely does anyone actually complain.

We would need to seriously up the amount and difficulty of revenants in those same zones on Peace, That server is already easy as it is, your only challenge is what little is posed by the wildlife.