Thanks man! I appreciate the compiled information. I've been doing a lot of Lore writing to try and work this whole thing out in my head. So far I'm trying to establish a plausible reason for the tribe to have some Greek cultural values while still being mostly tribal. Ancient Mycenaean's (Early Greeks/Achaean's) talked about in Homers Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid are much more plausible than later classical Greeks. Classical Greeks are far to advanced culturally, economically and politically for it to correctly fit in the games established Lore. However the early Mycenaean Greeks were only just discovering metallurgy much like the Tribes of Xsyon....these proto-greeks still used flint spears and arrows often. They also were much closer to earlier neolithic/paleolithic Religious values.

I really only wish to combine some aspects of early Greek tribal culture with Xsyon's other tribal identity's. I want much of the pre-war past to be hidden from the tribe, as it should be with all these Lore friendly Tribes. Hopefully I can make it a bit more holistic than just finding a plain text regarding to Greek culture....I've still gotta work that part out in my head.