The Test Server currently is partially updated with a future change to consolidate cash currency (dollar bills) and attach them to your player instead of having cash as an item stored in packs.
Current Test: (Edited: 03-14-2016)
- Cash is added to the player owning the container holding the cash. Your cash total can be checked on your Pack Panel.
- Cash stacks are NOT currently removed and remain in your containers. This was done so players can better judge what cash total they expect to have.
- Cash stacks should display the current 'owner'. If there is no technical owner the cash stack should display 'Property of Nobody'. If the technical owner is a deleted character, the cash stack should display 'Property of Not Found'. The current owner is NOT being used to assign cash to players but I turned this on to make better sense of the previous test that did assign cash to the technical owner.
My questions to players:
- Is your current cash total what it should be? (based on cash in containers that you own)
- Does this system make better sense or should cash be assigned to the technical owner (as in the first test)?
- Would you like to see your cash total displayed somewhere else? (It will also show in the Trade Panel / Trade Totem Panel when I'm done with this).
Previous Test: (Not currently on the Test Server)
- All current cash items have been removed from packs and bins.
- Cash amounts have been assigned to the player marked as the 'owner' for each stack of bills.
- Stacks of cash without an 'owner' have been assigned to the 'owner' of the container holding the stack.
- Your cash total now shows up in the title bar of your Packs Panel.