Quote Originally Posted by chojinuk View Post
If the amount of cash you're seeing is less then it should be.....

it MAY be because of this line that jordi said..

"- Cash amounts have been assigned to the player marked as the 'owner' for each stack of bills."

Currently we cant see any info or names on who OWNS a stack of bills, that info was removed or hidden.

If like many people who find cash in baskets and then place it in another basket, does that mean
its still owned by the player whose name is on the stack, even though we cant see the name ?

SO Does this mean before you implement this change, just to be safe we should use the trade
window to get our names on these stacks of bills just incase they are in a bin that hasnt got our
name on and its a stack of cash we found in a bin and will still have the original owners name on ?

Confused ? i know i am


This has high potential to be the culprit. If 'owner' can't be seen by a player but is still assigned to the cash then

"- Stacks of cash without an 'owner' have been assigned to the 'owner' of the container holding the stack."

is not occurring. Most all of my dollar bill have no name on them but are in baskets that I own...