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  1. #1
    The Test Server is now open with a different method of adding cash to players.

    I've set up the following:

    - Cash is added to the player owning the container holding the cash. Your cash total can be checked on your Pack Panel.

    - Cash stacks are NOT currently removed and remain in your containers. This was done so players can better judge what cash total they expect to have.

    - Cash stacks should display the current 'owner'. If there is no technical owner the cash stack should display 'Property of Nobody'. If the technical owner is a deleted character, the cash stack should display 'Property of Not Found'. The current owner is NOT being used to assign cash to players but I turned this on to make better sense of the previous test that did assign cash to the technical owner.

    My questions to players:

    - Is your current cash total what it should be? (based on cash in containers that you own)

    - Does this system make better sense or should cash be assigned to the technical owner (as in the first test)?


  2. #2
    I'm at a frustration level with the upgrades of this game, so many time you swear and promise us to get ranged combat and animals set right for pathing, yet you come up with these crazy ideas no one has asked for nor wants, why cant you just give us what you have promised for years now, why cant we have better cooking and farming and the rest of the things your ppl who pay you for the game wants, you claim its player driven that is BS SIR, you always have an excuse, stop with them and start focusing on your PROMISES, until then I quit

  3. #3
    It would seem to me that it would be beneficial to the game to have a "suggested retail worth" for items. This would let someone know how much one dollar is worth in the game. If someone is charging one dollar for a chisel lets say and another person is charging 200 dollars for a like chisel, then this is very confusing for purchasers. Same goes for blueprints, nails or any other item. This would not stop someone from charging 100 thousand dollars for a blueprint, but would instead let people know how much items are worth and let people know how much their dollars are actually worth.

    Having a pickpocketing skill would discourage people from coming into physical contact with other people and would further degrade the sense of community that Xsyon currently has. People can pickpocket you in real life of course, but it is near impossible without being caught, and there are actually police who can apprehend the pickpockets. Since there are no police in Xsyon, people will avoid contact with anyone they do not know, for fear of being pickpocketed for all of their cash. I don't think creating more "loners" is what was originally intended for Xsyon, and this so called pickpocketing skill will surely send Xsyon down that road. Making friends will be near impossible, since you would then not know if your new friend is acutally a good pickpocket. Please do not implement this feature.

    Whether you have your own bank as having a container with your cash, or whether all of it is in a personal account, or whether all the cash is actually on your person, well, I don't have any opinion. Any of these methods are fine by me.


  4. #4
    Whose idea was this cash thing change? Really? Does this really need to be fixed or changed?? Seriously, cash is an issue now?? What about combat fixes? What about the lag issues? I had to move my tribe out to an extreme area just to get away from the lag brought about by the tribes that are building these monstrous buildings. These issues have been in game since I first started a few years ago. We have been waiting patiently. I fell in love with this game but I'm about ready to delete it from my computer. I have multiple accounts and was going to add more in support, but I'm done. I wont support this game financially any longer. I'm beyond frustrated!

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