Xsyon wrote:
4) Crash with Error Loading Ground Levels pop up. If this happens, were you timed out first? Or does this happen on a first log in through the launcher? [/quote]

Can't seem to find my log directory, I installed to Public/Games/Xsyon, but there isn't any Xsyon/log folder.

I wasn't able to see what the errors were in the first crashes, but then through some stroke of luck I got the error message to actually show:

Unable to load ground levels for zone: 191. I had not even finished the launch/loading screen, or perhaps I was about to port in.

Suggestion for this bug: does it have to crash the whole game just to load levels for the zone? What if you just have default fallback data to swap in for the missing information, so that the game stays active and generates a bug report that can be received without the user having to report it.

I take 'ground levels' to mean the elevation levels of the area? Perhaps syncing with the server to get any terraform updates? In that case, I suppose it would be tough to have fallback data. Perhaps cache backups of valid zone ground levels?

[edit] as of the update, this issue is fixed.

[edit2] found the logs: http://www.xsyon.com/forums/11-bugs-...s-data-located