Our last big update fixed a lot of bugs but introduced some client and server problems that have now been resolved.

Now that the server is running smoothly, I'd like reports on the following issues. If any of these still happen, please send me a detailed report to bugs@notorious-games.com.

1) Stuck on Loading Entities. If this happens, are you sent to the login screen, or do you get stuck and need to close down the game? How long were you stuck on Loading Entities before you closed the game or timed out?

Loading entities may take some time as it loads terraforming changes.

2) Dying without death fog / walking in death fog without dying. If either of these happen, please send a screenshot or exact location with your bug report

3) Inventory problems. If you have any missing icons, disappearing items, slots that don't seem to work or other inventory issues, please report them.

4) Crash with Error Loading Ground Levels pop up. If this happens, were you timed out first? Or does this happen on a first log in through the launcher?

That's all for now!