I'm aiming to go back on air this Saturday. I'm pushing the showtimes back to 7pm PST. So Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7-11pm US Pacific time. 

A bit about my musical background and show content. I don't play pop music, especially contemporary pop, including mashups. There are plenty of other sources for that sort of thing. I aim for a show you're not likely to find anywhere else. My tastes range from thrash and funk to psytrance and jam bands, with a whole lot in between. My "holy trinity" is Jimi, Jim, and Janis. The grunge scene hit while I was a college student in Seattle. I was in-house DJ for Seattle Hempfest for a few years and provided music for their VIP and membership parties.

I'm planning to work the show into one hour segments, where each segment fits into some theme or category. Might be based on a genre, a decade, or a theme. The segments on a show may or may not be related to each other.

I perform live music on my shows too, as an act of devotion more than anything else. I lost a close friend a couple years ago and guitar is how I have come to terms with it.

My shows can be challenging, socially and intellectually. I aim for that through the music, not my discourse, but sometimes the piehole won't stay shut. I'm not after ratings. I don't do hype. I don't cater to popular opinion. (I have my own and it suits me quite well, thank you.) I don't do this to be popular, I dislike celebrity, and I find glamour to be repugnant. I do this to scratch an itch that I can't easily scratch any other way.

That said, you're welcome to join me. Just stay off my lawn!