I've updated the Test Server with the following changes and fixes:

1) The Town Panel should display the correct buttons for your rank regardless of who else is looking at the Totem.

2) The text for the Tribe Emblem button in the Town Panel has been corrected.

3) Life (hp) should display correctly for party members. (I had set it up based on players loaded in your visible zones so players in your party but not nearby weren't working correctly. Life should display properly now in all cases.)

4) Party list blocking other actions like inventory dragging fixed. Basically the 'blocking' for this panel was too big and an invisible section of the party list could block other panels, like inventory panels.

5) You should not be able to hit party members.

I have comments on other issues noted above.

1) Moving Trade and Quest Totems. This looks ok to me. To move one of these Totems you just place the Totem again using the Tribe Panel.

2) Party dropping when you're down to one member. Yes, this is how it's supposed to work.

3) Weaponcraft shows a higher number of schemes. Yes, I've added new weapons to the table for an upcoming patch.

4) Decimals in stats and skills. The second decimal place will be part of a second 'suggestions' patch. I have to revise the panel to properly fit the numbers and want to improve the stat and skill panels a bit while I do this.

5) Distance for inviting party members. This is the standard distance. I'll check it and see if it makes sense to increase it. You can also invite by name using the Social panel.

I'm glad that the positions and pvp are improved! They also seem much better to me in my tests. The position / synchronization changes will apply to creatures as well.

I've missed something please let me know. Thanks!