Quote Originally Posted by BigMike_85 View Post
I have been eye-balling this game for awhile now. Question is, what is the population like prefurably on the war server? Also, what is the point of the game as a whole? Is there more than just gathering and crafting?
The game is all about crafting, gathering, and building. PVE, PVP, and end game anything is 0. If you consider gathering animal stuff for random building supplies or clothes, PVE then you will be happy to know there are many animals in game from rabbits to bears. But if you are looking for a PVE game where you have to use teamwork, or special skills/weapons/armor etc then you will be let down greatly.

Building in this game is awesome, if you are very creative, you can build wondrous things and they are awesome to look at. But it ends there. Don't expect your buildings to be tested for PVP, sieges, PVE, raids, keeping anything out etc. None of this is part of the building in this game. It's 99% for looks 1% for storage.

Food and eating is cool idea, but it's super easy to get food within a few hours of playing you can stockpile food for weeks. Sure you can build things that make food last longer to save yourself time but it becomes super easy after just a few hours of play and some instruction on how to do it. If you even care about food because death in this game is respawn in your town with no skill or stat loss or item loss. Most people use death as a fast way to travel back home after exploring or trading.

Population of people playing, is very small. I've stopped playing waiting for updates to make the game more fun, but there are very few people on the server (either server you pick) less than 100s total.

Good luck and I hope you try the game if you like crafting, gathering, and building. The game is awesome for that part of it.