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  1. #1
    Here is the current situation with the 'lag'.

    There is no server wide lag. The server is running fine. Commands are going out fine. What players are experiencing is on the client side. From the server I can view all connections and I can see most connections running fine with individual players getting clogged up from time to time. This indicates a backlog of commands being processed on individual clients.

    There are several possible reasons for this:

    - Bad connectivity to the server. Our server host did report some connectivity issues with specific hubs this week. However, with players having consistent decent ping, then spikes of 'lag' I doubt this is the issue.

    - Anti virus interference. This has happened before unfortunately. Some anti-virus programs don't recognize the Xsyon executable file, causing all hard drive operations (initial loading, zone crossing) to be scanned and slowed down. Over time after a patch, it seems that anti-virus programs begin to recognize the executable until I do a new patch. I don't know if this is the cause in this case but it could be contributing to the problem.

    - Slow processing of incoming commands, in particular loading buildings and trees and possibly creature positions. This is the most likely cause.

    The strange thing is that this should not be slower with this patch. With the initial patch attempted on May 12th there were changes to the command processing and loading functions. On the Test Server these performed better than the past functions in extensive timed tests. However, as on the Main Servers players reported 'lag' that wasn't there before I reverted these functions to the past functions. So the processing and loading functions on the Main Servers right now are the same that were running since August 2016.

    This processing does need to be improved. With more and more building parts in game, loading is more intensive. I have several strategies for improving this processing and I am going to be focused on resolving this next.

  2. #2
    Here is the current situation with this patch:

    - The saving of Friends / Foes and Family is fixed. I had to revert the lists to saved data from before this patch was first attempted (on May 12th).
    - The cause of the server locking up after this patch was first attempted is fixed.
    - Another server crash cause that happened this week is fixed.
    - The 'discard' button should be gone. This shouldn't have worked anyways. It's a place holder for an upcoming 'move to cart' button.
    - Scavenging should be correct
    - Losing items dragged to a cart fixed
    - The additional window that popped up while building is disabled. This is for a future improvement to the system that's not completed.
    - Number of max weapon schemes should be correct
    - Hovering over the temperature display on the map panel should correctly display the temperature
    - There are no changes to the inspiration code with this patch. I ran some tests and it looks ok. It can take some time to get new schemes and there is random factor with each skill update.

    That should address all reported issues aside from the 'lag'. If I missed something, please let me know.

  3. #3
    EDIT: Right before I logged out the ping dropped and everything started to work again. This was after being in game approximately 30 minutes. So I would suspect this is a loading issue?

    I had antivirus pop up and scan after recent patches (never did this before) so I thought I would disable antivirus and run out to zone 775 again to see if anything changed, however when I logged in to tribe my ping was all over the place again, and any action would take about 3 minutes to post, including chat text. I waited about 30 minutes to see if it would settle down but it remained that way. Even the animals seem to move erratically. I also have to force quit the game because the exit command doesn't seem to do anything when it's this laggy.

    So last night it was running great in tribe with an average ping of 32, I made no changes except turning off anti virus and today it's not playable and the ping is bouncing erratically from 200's to 600's . So this seems to be an intermittent problem considering sometimes when I log in tribe it's fine.

    Just FYI, my rig is as follows;

    Windows 7 64 bit.
    Dual Geforce GTX 970's in SLI
    32 GB Ram
    AMD 8150 8 Core Processor
    500 GB SSD Hard Drive
    Fiber Optic Broadband
    Triple monitors running 144hz
    Last edited by Willowhawk; 05-26-2017 at 08:56 AM.

  4. #4
    The lag seems to be as I approach my tribe or other tribes. I timed it, took 78 seconds before the gate responded and popped up the menu to 'use' it. So as long as I stand outside my tribe for almost 2 minutes it will let me in. Walking down to the river to fish, my ping settles back at 15 and menu's are responsive. Walking up to the tribe the ping starts to spike. I honestly hope its not connection since I'm running a 65 meg fiber connection, 8 gig video card with 24 megs of ram. So it shouldn't be my hardware or client. I can consistently spike my ping when walking up to my corral and the animals as well. Again standing by the river with a solid 15 ping and walking in a straight line I just watch it climb to the 700's and stand next to the corral watching the animals glitch and slide while my ping bounce from 15 to 700.
    Last edited by Brexton; 05-27-2017 at 09:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Rebooted and started over for testing purposes:

    37 seconds before my food/hydration bars filled in
    2 minutes 14 seconds before the gate menu appeared to let me in
    ping was 31 outside the tribe 141 - 338 inside
    walking down to the river it took 28 seconds to bring my ping from 100+ to 15
    walking through the tribe to get to the corral it went from 15 to 700 and has just bounced
    the gate by the corral took a full 60 seconds to respond, lag was re introduced to all the other gates.

    I'm sorry, this game is now completely unplayable. Whatever you did needs to be reverted and either re examined or start over from scratch.

    If any guide wishes to perform the same tests they are more then welcome to, prior to patches I ran a sub 10 ping with zero issues.

  6. #6
    I'm working on figuring this out. So far...

    - I can't reproduce this type of lag and my system is not as powerful as the ones listed in this thread. Several Guides are helping me and also can't reproduce the extreme issues (30 second + action lag) reported here.

    - There were changes to incoming command processing in the May 12th patch but those already have been reverted with the current build.

    - There were changes to creatures in the May 12th patch but those are also reverted in the current build.

    - This lag appears to be a pile up of commands; loading building parts or incoming creature positions or both. The only difference in the code between the current build and the build prior to May 12th in these areas are the type of array structures used. In extensive tests before the release of the patch, these new array structures performed faster than the old ones. If these are the cause of commands processing slower it would be strange.


    I have a few questions and requests to help me resolve these problems.

    1) What anti-virus program are using, if any?

    2) If you are using an anti-virus program do you get the same lag consistently with the anti-virus switched on and off?

    3) Do you have an Intel processor or AMD?

    4) What version of Windows are you running?

    5) Could you log in to the Test Server and reproduce the same lag there? I am going to try several builds on the Test Server and will post here as each is ready for public testing. I will wait first to confirm that players can reproduce this lag on the current Test Server build.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    I'm working on figuring this out. So far...

    - I can't reproduce this type of lag and my system is not as powerful as the ones listed in this thread. Several Guides are helping me and also can't reproduce the extreme issues (30 second + action lag) reported here.

    - There were changes to incoming command processing in the May 12th patch but those already have been reverted with the current build.

    - There were changes to creatures in the May 12th patch but those are also reverted in the current build.

    - This lag appears to be a pile up of commands; loading building parts or incoming creature positions or both. The only difference in the code between the current build and the build prior to May 12th in these areas are the type of array structures used. In extensive tests before the release of the patch, these new array structures performed faster than the old ones. If these are the cause of commands processing slower it would be strange.


    I have a few questions and requests to help me resolve these problems.

    1) What anti-virus program are using, if any?

    2) If you are using an anti-virus program do you get the same lag consistently with the anti-virus switched on and off?

    3) Do you have an Intel processor or AMD?

    4) What version of Windows are you running?

    5) Could you log in to the Test Server and reproduce the same lag there? I am going to try several builds on the Test Server and will post here as each is ready for public testing. I will wait first to confirm that players can reproduce this lag on the current Test Server build.

    1. Windows Defender
    2. Testing now
    3. AMD
    4 Version 10

    I'm running through a steam client, no chance to move to test server with Telsank. I'll try with Brexton.
    I can fire up a webex if you or a guide wants to run tests using my machine real time.

  8. #8
    Hello Brexton,

    You can actually log in to the Test Server with any account. If you bought the game through Steam and linked an account, that account becomes active so that you can log in with the launcher outside of Steam.

    Ok, next step...

    Doing the same thing at the same in game locations on the Peace Server, do get the lag described earlier?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Xsyon View Post
    Hello Brexton,

    You can actually log in to the Test Server with any account. If you bought the game through Steam and linked an account, that account becomes active so that you can log in with the launcher outside of Steam.

    Ok, next step...

    Doing the same thing at the same in game locations on the Peace Server, do get the lag described earlier?
    Working with GuideMicheal real time

  10. #10
    Yup, I'm observing the server. It's interesting.

    Your normal ping is lower than his. However, your ping fluctuates more, your command queue showed as getting backlogged and you were getting chat and action lag. His ping fluctuated less, his command queue was clear and he didn't get the same type of action or chat lag.

    I'm going to make changes to the Test Server build and may have to patch them to the live servers to get more feedback.

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